Hey folks, looked around, and got more confused!!! What I'm looking for is a replacement raw speaker equivalent to the stock 10" speaker that was originally in the AR14...The cabs I got were mounted with Realistic 40-1014's and the foam went out on them as well....As these close enough to warrant refoaming???
Those speakers are not repairable. AR used very unusual woofers with a very high Qts, low efficiency and low Fs.
These are the salient Thiele/Small parameters of those AR speakers.
The Thiele/Small parameters for the original Acoustic Research (AR) 14 woofer, a 10-inch driver known for its high Qts, are: Fs (resonant frequency) of 29 Hz, Vas (equivalent volume) of 23 liters, and Qts (total Q) of 0.841.
Fs (Resonant Frequency): 29 Hz
- Vas (Equivalent Volume): 23 liters
- Qts (Total Q): 0.841
- Other parameters:
- Electromagnetic Q (Qes): 1.079
- Mechanical Compliance of Suspension (Cms): 0.509 mm/N
- BL Product (BL): 5.156 T·m
For today, those are very unusual specifications. AR used a system they called Acoustic Suspension, where the compression of air in the box provided most of the restoring force, and not the driver's suspension.
This has fallen out of favor due to very low acoustic efficiency.
All woofers have to be designed for a specific box volume and form of loading. In addition every crossover has to be designed uniquely for each of the drivers. So all drivers have to be replaced by identical ones.
I am sorry to have to tell you that those speakers are junk, worthless, and not worth any attention or effort.