YouTube - It was bound to happen.



Senior Audioholic
I've been watching Chris Horner's "Butterfly Effect" a blog where he dissects bike races for a few years now.

Something new occurred in his vids at the beginning of the Tour De France. He started the video off by personally plugging a sponsor and showing off their products. Today however, not only did he start the vid with a plug, in the middle of his video he actually ran a commercial.

I've seen subtle plugs before in vids, though there's certainly nothing subtle here. But I've never seen someone put a commercial right in the middle of their own video.

I guess I figured this was against YouTube policy. YouTubers' are using the platform to make money off advertising. Not only that, if you're paying youtube for the service, you now have to watch ads!

I already don't go to YT as much as I used to because of the number of ads per minute watched. This could be the nail in the coffin for me to ever go there if it persists.


Audioholic Jedi
This isn't new, many youtubers do this. Not against policy but how it affects youtube monetization don't know.

Chris Horner, meh. They started feeding me the even worse Armstrong video podcast for the tour. Yuk.


Senior Audioholic
This isn't new, many youtubers do this. Not against policy but how it affects youtube monetization don't know.

Chris Horner, meh. They started feeding me the even worse Armstrong video podcast for the tour. Yuk.
Really? I've never seen an actual commercial being used within a YT vid. Plugs for products, yes, but never a full-blown commercial inserted in.

I generally like Horner's analysis. He actually talks about the important moments of the races and about how the team worked together - or didn't - to make it happen.

I tried to watch the Lance podcasts a couple of times, but always turned it off within the first few minutes. Raced against both of them back in the 90's. Seems like yesterday, except I'm slow now


Audioholic Jedi
Really? I've never seen an actual commercial being used within a YT vid. Plugs for products, yes, but never a full-blown commercial inserted in.

I generally like Horner's analysis. He actually talks about the important moments of the races and about how the team worked together - or didn't - to make it happen.

I tried to watch the Lance podcasts a couple of times, but always turned it off within the first few minutes. Raced against both of them back in the 90's. Seems like yesterday, except I'm slow now
Damn you must be pretty fast! I'd prefer Horner but find his presentation just grating, same as the Armstrong thing. Then again I can barely take the full extended results update on nbc with phil and bob :)

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