WAIT! BEFORE you sell any of your audio components...

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Audioholic Jedi
When I first read the complaint, I thought then that I had never encountered any form of consumer protection in America. It would seem I'm correct, and it looks like your on your own if you have a complaint. I've read elsewhere where buyers have had products damaged, in transit, And in some cases the supplier simply wipes his hands of the problem. Plus failure to deliver, or pre-paying for work to be done which never happens

We in Australia are lucky in complaint problems with the local state agency Consumer Affairs. backed up by the ACCC, [see link ] Which is a federal body. Not to be argued with.. We also have a nightly program on channel nine called "A Current Affairs" [see link] which makes public shonks and scammers, by way of naming names backed up with televised evidence.


There's not much US government interest at any level for this type of product in terms of consumer protection or making dubious claims (what would the advertising world be like without such?). Most that fall for this sort of audiophile nonsense aren't going to complain either, who wants to admit they got taken in by something so stupid as this let alone much of the audiophile nonsense promoted in stores and the various magazines, blogs, videos, etc? As consumers we generally have the ability to get our money back, particularly thru someone like Amazon like this guy points out.

Goods damaged in transit aren't generally an issue due insurance or protections via payment services (like credit cards, paypal etc). Most retailers are pretty consumer friendly here, more so than in many countries it seems.

I've yet to see one of the tv station's consumer affairs shows go after something like this (or other audiophile nonsense), altho maybe this could well be a good start. Plenty of other things to keep them busy other than something so obscure as an audiophile making poor spending decisions....


Full Audioholic
Think about how badly one Federal agency would be inundated by complaints from a population of 334 million
Thank you for your concise reply, I must admit I had no idea about your huge population, or how it's governed, I lot different to our small. population of less then 30 million.. Most of which reside on the east coast.


Full Audioholic
Most that fall for this sort of audiophile nonsense aren't going to complain
You seem to have a problem with high quality products, Do you have the same opinion. When it comes to Cars and Watches, Or are you just attempting to justify your low pay grade, and the fact that quality is just not part of your world.

Strangely enough high quality priced products do sell, and even strangely rarely go broke. Not everyone thinks that an AVR, is the be-all and end-all of audio. Go to any high quality forum or retail outlet and an AVR is simply not worth any consideration. Just look at your local [as opposed to European shows ] electronic or audio shows for proof of that. Or do you simply ignore such venues or shows as nonsense


Audioholic Jedi
You seem to have a problem with high quality products, Do you have the same opinion. When it comes to Cars and Watches, Or are you just attempting to justify your low pay grade, and the fact that quality is just not part of your world.

Strangely enough high quality priced products do sell, and even strangely rarely go broke. Not everyone thinks that an AVR, is the be-all and end-all of audio. Go to any high quality forum or retail outlet and an AVR is simply not worth any consideration. Just look at your local [as opposed to European shows ] electronic or audio shows for proof of that. Or do you simply ignore such venues or shows as nonsense
Where you keep getting this idea I don't know. I have no problem with good products. Overpriced and over-hyped products yes, that's one of the reasons for this site. I am not into watches, think those that obsess with them are kind of silly. Cars I've had many in my life, these days not very interested, much more into bikes (bicycles and e-motos). Unless you've inherited money I seriously doubt you're more successful than I've been.

An avr is a tool, not some sort of artistic object as some audiophools make hardware out to be. You've shown some signs of becoming sane, but then you post crap like this....


Audioholic Jedi
Yep you've got me there. Riding a push bike is a sure sign of financial success
My "push" bikes cost more than much of your "audiophile" crap.

ps Plus I can ride them, which could be largely be beyond you.


Audioholic Samurai
@TLS Guy,
If you can get an instant refund from Amazon where you've bought my product, how am I perpetrating a scam?
The fact that no one has taken my offer of a free sample tells me that the naysayers are more afraid of being proven wrong than interested in improving their systems.
We just don't want to waste our time on BS. We'd rather listen to our music.


Seriously, I have no life.
Thank you for your concise reply, I must admit I had no idea about your huge population, or how it's governed, I lot different to our small. population of less then 30 million.. Most of which reside on the east coast.
For a bit of perspective- the population of the US grew by almost 23 million between 2010 and 2020. California alone has roughly 38.9 million inhabitants.


Seriously, I have no life.
Yep you've got me there. Riding a push bike is a sure sign of financial success
Look into electric bikes, then- I went to a local bike shop that has a group of them near the door- I don't think I saw a single one that was less than $2500 and they topped out at almost $8000.


Full Audioholic
Kinda funny how some people make assumptions about what someone else can afford. I don't recall who but I recall someone here was telling me that some speakers were beyond my budget. I haven't said anything about my disposable income but I looked them up and I certainly could afford them. Whether they were worth the money is a different question. It would have been a dumb waste of money and I like to spend my money wisely. That's how I managed to retire at age 61 with zero money worries. Just because I don't think that a purchase is worth it doesn't mean it's beyond my budget.


Audioholic Spartan
Yep you've got me there. Riding a push bike is a sure sign of financial success
wow, this thread has taken a turn ! As for push bikes, a lot Amish in my area own/ride them. Given the amount of land they own I would venture to guess their financial success far exceeds most. Regardless, I prefer pedal bikes


Audioholic Jedi
wow, this thread has taken a turn ! As for push bikes, a lot Amish in my area own/ride them. Given the amount of land they own I would venture to guess their financial success far exceeds most. Regardless, I prefer pedal bikes
LOL not that this thread had much to it to begin with.....

I thought push bikes were what the Aussies called analog/pedal bikes these days but I guess he slipped one by me :) I do kind of wish we had push bikes when I was a kid, that seems a far better way to introduce them than the pedal bikes.


Seriously, I have no life.
Again, what's required is that you use the product in your system which means every non-soldered connection. It means removing the speaker drivers and putting a drop of fluid on the connections. You would put fluid on the exterior AND interior connections of your speaker's binding posts. Same with the ends of your interconnects, speaker cables, and where they plug in. I've treated the pins of my phono cartridge with great result. If you've owned your equipment for several years, it absolutely needs this treatment.
That sounds like a really good way for most to ruin their equipment.


Seriously, I have no life.
LOL not that this thread had much to it to begin with.....

I thought push bikes were what the Aussies called analog/pedal bikes these days but I guess he slipped one by me :) I do kind of wish we had push bikes when I was a kid, that seems a far better way to introduce them than the pedal bikes.
Push bike is a particularly English term for pedal powered bikes without engines. I think the term "push bike" has pretty much died out in the UK now. Years ago it was common.

Back then I remember it was common for people to add an engine to a push bike.

This one was common in England, I remember.

The French were keen on designs that fitted in a replacement back wheel. I can't find a picture of the one that was very common and actually worked well. I saw one a few years back on a visit to the UK and I wish I had taken a picture.

Here is one example, of the English Cyclemaster. The French one was more popular.



Audioholic Jedi
Push bike is a particularly English term for pedal powered bikes without engines. I think the term "push bike" has pretty much died out in the UK now. Years ago it was common.

Back then I remember it was common for people to add an engine to a push bike.

This one was common in England, I remember.

The French were keen on designs that fitted in a replacement back wheel. I can't find a picture of the one that was very common and actually worked well. I saw one a few years back on a visit to the UK and I wish I had taken a picture.

Here is one example, of the English Cyclemaster. The French one was more popular.

Better/easier to go e-bike direction :) The latest/greatest term for pedal bikes (vs ebikes) is "analog" :)


Audioholic Intern
We're still keeping this thread alive, huh? May end up being the biggest thread here at this rate. :)


Full Audioholic
There was a encounter on an Australian cop show, about the cops pulling up a guy on an electric scooter. He was issued tickers for not having the following. No crash helmet, no registration, no insurance, no driving license, Total fines just over a thousand dollars.. It makes you wonder, about cheap transport.



Audioholic Jedi
There was a encounter on an Australian cop show, about the cops pulling up a guy on an electric scooter. He was issued tickers for not having the following. No crash helmet, no registration, no insurance, no driving license, Total fines just over a thousand dollars.. It makes you wonder, about cheap transport.

If not acquainted or familiar with regs....ignorance of the law is not considered an excuse particularly.....

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