

Audioholic Jedi
Many interviews at MAGA rallies., and if you're not sad for the state of some of these people, you must have a hole in your head draining. I mean really. C'mon man.:rolleyes:
Yeah each interview with the rabid is a revelation of stupid.


Audioholic Spartan
Guy says Russia and North Korea are on our side cause I dunno Trump has an infatuation with powerful people. Biden? I can guess Russia and North Korea would not be on our side. The level of retardation is a disgrace to the mentally handicap. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
Guy says Russia and North Korea are on our side cause I dunno Trump has an infatuation with powerful people. Biden? I can guess Russia and North Korea would not be on our side. The level of retardation is a disgrace to the mentally handicap. :rolleyes:
Anyone associating Russia and North Korea on our side are pretty twisted.....and such a turn from the 'pubs from the 50s where these sort of countries were simply reviled.


Audioholic Spartan
Anyone associating Russia and North Korea on our side are pretty twisted.....and such a turn from the 'pubs from the 50s where these sort of countries were simply reviled.
I'm guessing were listening to Tucker when the war first broke out with Ukraine.


Audioholic Spartan
But one example of who knows how many. This lady was calling for a complete ban until....

Reply: You could hear her brain go into factory reset. :p


Audioholic Spartan
Sadly, these MAGA folks have always been here. Trump just brought them out in the open.


Audioholic Spartan
Sounds good to me but they are in name only as the bible is more forgiving and embracing as is Jesus.
May need to change themselves to idol worshipers.
Jesus was too woke for these people. If he came back today with his teachings MAGA would put him back up on the cross. :(


Audioholic Spartan
I still think that the MAGA logo should have been MAHA make America hate again. Because that is exactly what MAGA is.


Audioholic Jedi
Well the political claims of making a country great again aren't new, Hitler even used such as did others....


Seriously, I have no life.
The smells are being reported by many and would it surprise you if he was filling a diaper? Another fun part is he seems to have combined it with his court-side naps. Dozo the clown!
A British show has a panel of comedians and one time, the host asked "What's something you miss about childhood?" and one answer was "Finishing on the toilet and bellowing "I'm finished!" ". If T is filling a diaper, does he do the same?


Audioholic Ninja
I still think that the MAGA logo should have been MAHA make America hate again. Because that is exactly what MAGA is.
Nah, It's always been and there is NO question about this, its 'Make Trump Great Again'.

Thats' all the blind followers and those in Congress can see.

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