Comparing the Revels to the Ascend Acoustics which one may give me a little more of a forward presentation while being more neutral (correct) than Focal’s or Dyn’s?
I haven't heard either speaker, so take what I say as only general comments. I suspect that you might be happy with either speaker. And, I certainly cannot compare them to either Focals of Dynaudio.
I also know there’s the option on the Ascends for the RAAL tweeter and I’m not sure if I need it. I did also have RBH SV-61R’s with a ribbon and they were very clean although a little boring. That said they were in a heavily dampened bedroom and I had Dynaudio Contour 20’s paired with a pair of SVS SB3000’s in the living room so not a fair comparison.
I have speakers (Salk Veracity STs) with the same or very similar RAAL ribbon tweeters. Got them in 2016 and have loved them ever since. Not surprisingly, I like the ribbons. At first, I didn't know what to expect with ribbons as I'd only owned speakers with good quality domes. As I spent more time with them, I think it's easiest to say the RAAL ribbons excel because of what they don't do compared to any dome I've heard. It's subtle, but noticeable. They have a cleaner undistorted sound, with less ssssh sound than domes. I think they're worth the higher price. That, of course, may not matter to you.
I also tend to favor the Ascend Acoustics because a friend (Dennis Murphy) knows Dave Fabricant who designs most or all of Ascend's speakers. He likes his design efforts. I know much less about Revels, except that they have the reputation of being among the best of large corporation commercial speakers.
Predicted in room response is almost identical and pricing is similar so I’m interested in what the differences may be in real use. I’m sure either way my ears will adjust to either with use, damn this hobby!
After a quick look at the measurements, I noticed two things that make me lean toward the Sierra Towers. Their impedance drops to no lower than just under 5 ohms, which will make them easy to drive. The Revels drop to as low as about 3 ohms. Amp power may possibly be a bigger issue for them.
I also worry about the 2 kHz dip with the Revels. Nothing like that appears with the Sierra Towers. That may make the Revels sound more recessed than the Sierras,
or it may make the Sierras brighter sounding with more presence. That can depend on what speakers you listen to now. I read on ASR that the Revel's dip comes from floor bounce cancelations, and that others there suggested thick carpeting. I don't know if that will work or not.
I did ask this question over at ASR but I think I will get a different perspective here.
Were there any direct responses to your question? I didn't see any.
I agree that there is a distinct pro-Revel atmosphere at ASR. I had stopped reading it some time ago because amirm's reviews tend to dazzle the reader with details while he also can get a number of important speaker aspects wrong. He tends to like very loud listening levels. Also, he has a following there who tend to create a group-think attitude. So I don't go there often. Does my bias make me favor the Sierra Towers over the Revels? Maybe. As I said above, both seem to be good speakers, and you may be happy with either one.