
Audioholic Spartan
I prefer not a pending WW3. I prefer millions of people we know nothing about invading the country to live on the streets along with millions of other people. I prefer not to spend a $120 on a tank of gas. I prefer not to go to the grocery and notice the price goes up almost weekly and the size of the item goes down. I prefer that that Amplifier I was going buy did not double in price from just 3 years ago. I prefer the housing market that took a sh@t under Biden comes back. Yea. I prefer this trainwreck Biden put this country on gets put back on the track. Yea I prefer Trump. It’s not even close
One of the few sensible things you've said there maga.


They're poisoning the blood of our country.

Nothing to be concerned about there.;)
There is a lot to be concerned about. Out of context quote from the Mainstream Media and Biden on a campaign speech. The invasion of over 7 million “That we know we know about probably more” illegal migrants pouring into the country is Poisoning the blood of our country. The left is more concerned about how something is worded than the actually crisis. Unlike Biden who called the person who raped and killed and mutilated a young college girl. Illegal. The Progressive left was offended. He retracted his words to undocumented instead of illegal. Certainly do not want to offend the person who killed the young girl.


Audioholic Spartan
There is a lot to be concerned about. Out of context quote from the Mainstream Media and Biden on a campaign speech. The invasion of over 7 million “That we know we know about probably more” illegal migrants pouring into the country is Poisoning the blood of our country. The left is more concerned about how something is worded than the actually crisis. Unlike Biden who called the person who raped and killed and mutilated a young college girl. Illegal. The Progressive left was offended. He retracted his words to undocumented instead of illegal. Certainly do not want to offend the person who killed the young girl.
How is "They're poisoning the blood of our country out of context?


How is "They're poisoning the blood of our country out of context?
Maybe because The media will leave out who they is. The media will leave out the word illegal. Big difference between people who come into our country legally and the ones that are invading the country ilegally


Seriously, I have no life.
So you prefer drumphy dementia where he's still battling Obama even though he never did? Claiming decades of no war under his watch? Joe is at least sane, drumphy is fu*king gone.
Let's not forget he has a hard time remembering who is his wife.


Audioholic Spartan
Maybe because The media will leave out who they is. The media will leave out the word illegal. Big difference between people who come into our country legally and the ones that are invading the country ilegally
Usually they just say, 'illegal immigration is a huge problem, and I'm the man to fix it.' I can't really see any other Republican but Trump saying that. I think there's a broader problem going on with him. Whether it's his early rallies turning into hate & violence. Charlottesville's "there's good people on both sides," when one of the sides is white supremacists. His comment during the national debate on the Proud Boys: "Stand back, and stand by." Or J6 and the alt-right. For however small an uptick of violence there was, there shouldn't have been the rise of the alt-right, J6, or any uptick in reports of violence. It looks to me like it all comes back to his hate speak. Sure I can get behind his policy, but what the man represents in tone ain't too good. And I believe his spew is what made him popular initially.


Audioholic Spartan
Referencing the NCAA hoops tourney coming up...

One shining moment.

Hahaha, so true regarding Trump's behavior. What they dreamed of. :p


Audioholic Spartan
Think that's why the people will be voting Trump. Joe has had three years to get the economy back up and running. Post-covid.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Think that's why the people will be voting Trump. Joe has had three years to get the economy back up and running. Post-covid.
If the USA elects Trump because a gallon of gas isn't back below $2 a gallon, we absolutely deserve the ruin we will inevitably get.


Audioholic Spartan
If the USA elects Trump because a gallon of gas isn't back below $2 a gallon, we absolutely deserve the ruin we will inevitably get.
Borders, $2 gallon, Trump is viewed as a "strong man" etc. Those are some of the reasons why.


Audioholic Spartan
If the USA elects Trump because a gallon of gas isn't back below $2 a gallon, we absolutely deserve the ruin we will inevitably get.
it is amazing how many of the MAGA misfits don't understand the gas price make-up, structure. I'm not blaming that on Joe, now the border mess, that's a different matter ............


Audioholic Ninja
Serious question.
IF trump was never president, or in politics at all. Would you guys still think Biden was a good president?
Biden is a liar. He has been caught bald-faced lying to our faces. I don't know about anyone else but, where I grew up, anybody that does that will always be suspect, especially without admittance or apology. He's a beady-eyed snake in the grass. Best thing that can be said about him is just that. He's a bald-faced liar, and as such, cannot be trusted. Not my fault. I grew up around more honorable people than that.

The idea of a Trump being president is more indicative of the circus our politics actually is, and the politics we deserve. I don't particularly care for him either, but I understand how/why he got there. The "deplorables" want a reset. This is in great part due to the incessant fleecing of this country by these career politicians. Biggest reason Trump is there is because the Democrats offered up Hillary, who is yet another chiseling, scandalous bitch. That's what they have. And who's the next champion, Gavin Newsom? Good grief.

With all of this TDS, I believe the left needs/deserves another 4 years of him. Here, chew on this, since it's what you obviously live for and wanted. You can't sit around on forums and hawk and bash people without him, or someone like him.

I honestly don't understand how anyone has time to follow this all so closely, and yet be so wrong with the outcomes. That's right. One can go on just about any internet forum with a non-topic section that the obsessives will drag up politics in it. All the predictable, token and trendy buzz-words, all reading from the same script of so called (albeit third-hand, and hind-sighted) facts. It ends up turning into one huge, like-minded circle-jerk (progressives mostly), under one preprogrammed brain. And in spite of the many hours invested, they end up being wrong upwards of 99% of the time. Imagine following something so dedicatedly and while signing one's name to it, just to be so wrong, and then on that record, tell someone else how they should vote?

I'm an equal party hater. People that try to inflict one brand over the other as superior, can pretty much stick it where the sun don't shine. Otherwise, from here on, I'll just stick to that old adage about the discussion of politics and religion in otherwise polite company, at least until I find people who are actually good at politics, which are rare as hens teeth.


Seriously, I have no life.
I would like to see an end to corporate real estate buying. The rent increases have been drastic and people can't afford to rent, they don't have a good enough credit rating or the funds needed to buy and they're screwed.

The link is about three companies that own more than 19K rental units in Atlanta, GA alone- expand it nationally and it's easy to see that it's a problem.



Seriously, I have no life.
If the USA elects Trump because a gallon of gas isn't back below $2 a gallon, we absolutely deserve the ruin we will inevitably get.
Interesting, not by you, that some point to gas at $2. Unfortunately, their memory is about 1 nanosecond what conditions brought that tumble.
Covid. Highways were practically empty and refineries had a glut. Oil price on the market was in negative territory. Certainly, didn't last long.
And you are correct what we deserve if...

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