I recently moved to new house and it is equipped with following set of 8 ohm built-in speakers.
* 7 speakers in the family room
* 2 speakers in the roomA (has physical volume control knob in the room)
* 2 speakers in the roomB (has physical volume control knob in the room)
* 4 outdoor speakers
I have RX-2080A AVR and Emotiva Basx A5 power amplifier. I was planning to connect my system as described below but then someone suggested that it is not possible to use pre-outs and speaker output at the same time. So now I'm confused and hoping experts here can confirm if my setup would work or not.
RX-2080A has following connectors of interest.
* 11 speaker outputs: Front L&R, Center, Surround L&R, Surround back L&R, Extra SP1 L&R, Extra SP2 L&R. Extra Speaker can be configured as Zone2 or Zone or Presence speaker.
* 7 Pre-outs: Front, Center, Surround, Surround back, Subwoofer, Zone 2, Zone 3.
* 2 Trigger outs.
Emotiva Basx A5 has following connectors of interest.
* Trigger in
* 5 RCA inputs
* 5 pair of speaker outputs
My plan was to create two zones, indoor and outdoor, to keep things simple.
Connect family room speakers to Front L&R, Center, Surround L&R and Surround back L&R and assign to indoor zone.
Connect outdoor speakers to Extra SP1, Extra SP2 and assign to outdoor zone.
Connect AVR trigger-out to Basx trigger-in.
Connect Front Pre-outs to Basx Ch1/Ch2 and connect corresponding speaker outputs to roomA speakers.
Connect Surround Pre-outs to Basx Ch1/Ch2 and connect corresponding speaker outputs to roomB speakers.
Connect Front Pre-outs to Basx Ch1/Ch2. And then connect corresponding speaker outputs to roomA and roomB speakers via serial wiring.
I was leaning towards option-1, will this work?
Is there a better connectivity topology, e.g. use basx amplifier for family room speakers via pre-outs and use AVR speaker output for roomA and roomB?