Here is a Youtube video about his stereo. Insane overkill, but looks like a nice system, however line arrays never image sharply. I think that is why he has a center in his stereo.
That room is very large, and he is 24' to 25' from the speakers. That changes the equation greatly from the small room situation.
In a large hall, I did do a line source system and it worked well and did image. So I think there must be a line length distance ratio at work.
If you are in a large room, it basically comes down to using horn loaded speakers or lots of drivers. The line source is probably the better choice.
I do agree that if you have the opportunity to design the room as part of the system, it is a huge plus. I had that chance here, and I think it really paid dividends.
That turntable was insane. Going all class A I think was not a sensible choice. He electric bill must be cololosal. That turntable was insane, and going beyond the pointless stage.
Anyhow, after that chap I'm good.