Wanted everyone to know that everything is peachy keen with TOSLINK optical cable, from the ‘for what it’s worth’ department.
For semi-modern Samsung TV / Yamaha RX-A3070 owner’s, just connect one end of the TOSLINK optical cable to the Samsung optical out on the rear panel of the TV and the other end to the Yamaha AUDIO 1 optical (2 TV) input. Go into the TV ‘Settings’ and change the ‘Sound’ setting from ‘TV speaker’ to ‘Audio Out/Optical’ and change the AVR input to ‘AUDIO 1’ and
Voila!, you’re done.
P.S. You will
not be able to use your normal surround speakers feature; strictly 2.0 or 2.1, 2.2 (in ‘Straight’ mode).
DON’T FORGET to change back the audio out to “TV Speaker’ on your Samsung TV and change the Yammy AVR back to ‘AV 2’ if you’re going back to watching TV on your normal cable set-top box.
And keep in mind your mileage may vary depending on what newish brand/model TV and the AVR/receiver amp you're using. Read your TV/AVR documentation, it's chock full of good information. Or contact the manufacturers support tech support people. These are the kind of issue's/problems that keeps them employed.
That’s all folks!