My GF dragged me to see Barbie. I went thinking positive; it'll be entertaining. It was barely that. In fact, my GF was squirming in her seat by halfway through. Though I doubt she'll admit that at the water cooler.
It reminds me of fads like bagels, frozen yogurt, chicken and waffles, pollo asado, or whatever the fad du jour is. Things that everyone "loved" and a year later 99% of them were out of business. I guess they didn't really love them that much after all. But for that moment in time, they were better than sliced bread. I don't understand how the hype for any of these built up to the levels they do with stores on every corner during their peak.
This is becoming my opinion on more and more movies and tv shows lately. It's like we programmed ourselves to have to like them to fit in with society.
At least I told her I would only go if we saw it at Flix Brewhouse;