Thanks for the review Shady. Its nice to see that PSB still provides accuracy in their performance specs and walk's their walk as that expression goes.
As Eppie stated, I think one would be hard pressed to get this level of performance in an $800 speaker. One won't certainly won't get the cabinet rigidity and the level of driver quality for $800.
There is a point where (say the classix 2 I built, among others) some things have better value rating closer to their asking price. In other words, the Classix 2 I built, are more worth the $170 in parts, than just about any $3000 bookshelf speaker is. Many $800 speakers are either as capable, or more so than the recordings that are actually played thru them.
Sorry but, a bookshelf speaker with a tiny woofer, spoofing it's way to make it 'seem' much larger, is not a value to "me," knowing what I know. I already have much lesser costing speakers that eek out every available detail and instrument in the recording. The Classix2, as much of a loose goose as it measurably may be, makes up for it with just enough bass, and a completely adequate tweeter.
"I" simply don't need it and "I" would rather build something myself, and bypass the bloated audio marketing scheme altogether or get the fractionally costing equivalent from the likes of JBL. Every time I hear one of the more expensive, boutique designs, the subtle quality differences are lost on me too soon.
If I had to pay these prices for yet another neutral bookshelf design, I would do without.
Drivers that are now made in bulk by AI practices, are overpriced as everything else is. They look impressive, but once you understand the processes, how much cost is actually involved, the end result amounts to someone in that food chain getting paid way more than their actual value is worth.
We currently build a high end product for a company that everyone knows in Canada and the U.S. or the rest of the developed world, for that matter. I know what it costs to build them, ship and even install. Somewhere along the line between us and the consumer, the price jumps roughly 400%. Someone is getting paid a lot for doing nothing.
"I'm" just another type consumer in the mix who would not pay the asking price, even though I can afford it. I own, and have listened to a lot of speakers. I could find something that even measures as well as these for much less $. Everyone else's MMV, and that's all fine and well. It's not my fault that I am cursed with knowing what manufacturing costs, and who is getting paid what. My main point being, if there were more of me like there used to be, it would be much harder to get these inflated prices from such tiny, and technically simplified (AI everything) products.