You have a very good ear. Those Bronze 100 speakers actually do not have good bass, they peak at 100 Hz, and the bass falls off a cliff below 80 Hz.
Worse there is an audible rise in response between 3KHz and 10KHz. The ear is very sensitive in that range and even small aberrations are audible and very annoying.
Those speakers would sound thin.
So by ear you picked the best pair of speakers out of the three.
If you lived near by, I would definitely include you in my listening panel of critical listeners.
Now make sure you look for objective data before you buy speakers and give them a listen either in store or at home with right of return.
As I said originally your problem was going to be speakers, and I congratulate you on being able to identify bad speakers right away. Unfortunately bad speakers are the rule rather than the exception. Audyssey, Dirac or what ever you want, will not put it right.