This is really a tough one for me.
@shadyJ , I will always appreciate your effort and write up. Thank you.
Usually, we've seen pretty good correlation between the reviews here and those from Erin. This is an interesting one as it appears that Shady's measurements and the Estimated In-Room Response from Erin match up much more closely that the actual Klippel measurements Erin posted. Looking at Erin's measurements alone, I think my thread deriding the Big K and this new line was warranted.
Shady poses an interesting counter argument.
I would say as a "potential" consumer... (I use quotes because frankly there is little to no chance I would bring another Kilpsch product into my home unless they completely retool their concept) ...that the reported finicky nature of these and "advanced usage" requirements of them regarding placement and setup criteria make them an absolute non-starter.
I would much rather roll the dice on the new JBL Studio 6 line which is still delayed for US release. Or just go with the older Studio 5 line (even at full retail!!!).
From a simple engineering perspective, I simply do not get what is going on with Klipsch. It is as if they are fighting off a legitimately good design at every step of the process!
Shady has pointed out a couple designs that are decent, and I would agree (however begrudgingly). I get it. But it's as if those were accidents and the people responsible for them were sacked shortly afterwards.

It's as if the corporate motto is "never a good measurement again!" *shrugs
Here is the link to Erin's review:
Klipsch RP-8000F II Review
I know that Speakers I have liked aren't all perfect in the measurement department. I am not trying to pretend that a mediocre (or even questionably poor) Spin means the Speaker is complete sh!t.
On the other hand it seems like Klipsch is actively trying to challenge the notion that measurements matter at all.
Which then compounds the equation and complicates the discussion. (Enter any number of threads that ask that question on this forum or others....

Are measurements everything or nothing?)
Which then begs the question... are these really worth $1800 a pair? Are they even worth the current sale price of $1350 per pair?
For me, the answer is no.