@viseral audio
Side note: my room has a loft on one side and a ladder built into the corner and I physically cannot move my mains further apart as I do need access to this ladder. As it stands, I have 32" from center of baffle to side wall. (Speakers are asymmetrical and other side is 34" by happenstance...)
Anyway, I would gladly move mine further apart if I could, but admittedly am pretty happy with my experience as it stands.
With your HDIs and their Controlled Directivity, I would think you could easily move your Speakers back and out if you so choose.
Personally, I wouldn't go crazy and would try to maintain a minimum of 18" from both the Front (wall to back of Speaker, not actual standoff distance which should be measured to the Baffle) and Side walls.
Every room is different, of course, and your Speakers and mine are significantly different as I have very wide dispersion and an open back-Dipole Midrange.
Ultimately, my message is that if you have the inclination and time to experiment more with placement, you may be surprised at what you find...
...or as these things go, perhpas you are at the sweet spot already.
Just short of measuring with REW or using a pre-treatment Room Correction measurement, there is no real way to see what is happening other than relying on your ears. If it were me, I would try pushing your Speakers a little wider... 7' apart, 8' seating distance... still gives you room behind for Rears and in theory should help improve stereo imaging.