Hello — I have some Walsh 4 Speakers that were recently refurbished with the Walsh 3000 Drivers (I inherited these by way of my Grandfather, whose brother was Lincoln Walsh, who essentially invented the speakers) and I’m wondering what people think about using the Yamaha RN-803’s built-in YPAO EQ versus manually obtaining a single-measurement flat response using the AudioSource EQ-ONE Series II EQ. I don’t have a ton of money, so the receiver I have reflects my budget, rather than what “should” go with speakers of this calibre. I would like to imagine that advances in technology are such that the version of YPAO that the RN-803 has is superior to what could be achieved with the AudioSource EQ (assuming I use the mic that came with the RN-803 with both); however, it seems like the AudioSource EQ is a pretty nice component and, being a separate device, might allow for more precise tweaking. What do people here think?
Many thanks to any of you who can take the time to respond to me, recognizing that I’m quite a novice in audio engineering.