Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Spartan
Good times for the last ~16 hours or so. Did a whirlwind trip to Ohio for my niece’s birthday, which was nice. The ride home…less so. About thirty mins after dinner, and three hours from home, the younger son ralphs and chucks all over the place. Heavy thunderstorms are naturally in the area, which made cleanup at a rest stop super fun. Just tossed his clothes, and booster seat in a dumpster, and we had some cleaning materials available at least.

Fast forward to this morning, picked up the dog from the sitter and did a deep clean… Naturally while I’m doing this, the dog (who to be fair is pushing 14) pinches one off in the house . Serenity now, serenity now, serenity now….
Ahhh... parenting. It doesnt get better... just different.

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Audioholic Slumlord
Waiting in a parking lot. Adjusted the gains on the amps. I bet the lady waiting 3 spaces over wonders why the beginning of Money For Nothing keeps playing over and over.


Audioholic Spartan
Waiting in a parking lot. Adjusted the gains on the amps. I bet the lady waiting 3 spaces over wonders why the beginning of Money For Nothing keeps playing over and over.
and over and over and over...

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Audioholic Slumlord
Just turn everything up to eleven
So I did. The master volume that is, on the way to work. It goes to like 40 but I was at 11, listening to track 11, really diggin' it ... and then I missed my turn.

Track 11 on the Salk demo disc, anybody know what that is?


Audioholic Slumlord
Ahhh... parenting. It doesnt get better... just different.
It Reminds me of events that occurred on a nice and cold march 2015 while changing diapers on a 3-month-old son. In case ya'll a bunch of old farts and forgot how to change diapers on infants, let me do a quick reminder: you lay them on their back on a changing table, make grossed out happy (but suffering) face due to the aroma of their NATO prohibited chemical nerve agent happy incidents. Remove the offending diaper and there lies the key to this tale - there is a brief period when a baby's weapons orifices or hoses are uncovered and unprotected.
This is the exact time then my son decided to sneeze. Except it wasn't just a normal sneeze. Oh no.
You see, he carefully planned it to coincide this event with what you guys called " pinches one off". At that age, no solid food means no solid poo.
My spouse and I had to meticulously deep clean both carpet and walls for the next few hours...
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Audioholic Slumlord
Track 11: Ray Charles - Genius Loves Company - Here We Go Again (Featuring Norah Jones)
Seems like my copy has odd numbering but it's "Kieth Don't Go" that has me listening on repeat. #8 from the list.

On Sunday we installed a car seat in "The Fuze" lol. Monday I picked up an 18 month old girl from her day care for the first time. She screamed alot at first but calmed down quickly. It was a trap to lure me in so she could puke on me while I fumbled with keys at the door. She didn't look sorry about it either.

BTW, we've been enjoying Plex very much as of late.
Thank you very much.


Audioholic Chief
It Reminds me of events that occurred on a nice and cold march 2015 while changing diapers on a 3-month-old son. In case ya'll a bunch of old farts and forgot how to change diapers on infants, let me do a quick reminder: you lay them on their back on a changing table, make grossed out happy (but suffering) face due to the aroma of their NATO prohibited chemical nerve agent happy incidents. Remove the offending diaper and there lies the key to this tale - there is a brief period when a baby's weapons orifices or hoses are uncovered and unprotected.
This is the exact time then my son decided to sneeze. Except it wasn't just a normal sneeze. Oh no.
You see, he carefully planned it to coincide this event with what you guys called " pinches one off". At that age, no solid food means no solid poo.
My spouse and I had to meticulously deep clean both carpet and walls for the next few hours...

I call those "snarts" sneeze + farts. Now that I'm sixty I have a few of those myself tho not of the liquid variety (yet).


Audioholic Spartan
Back to the pre-fair- created after covid to make a little more $$$ for vendors. Maybe a few merch booths but nearly all food. I'm nearly drunk on a tall Castle Danger, and this cover band is actually really good. Country covers, and soulful. My friend once said cover bands are the next best thing. I guess I can't argue that, but the saturation of them makes the musuc at the fair an after thought. I remember hearing a hip hop/rap guy and it was the weirdest thing because he was just odd but stuck out. I wish fairs were more like that.


Audioholic Slumlord
For some reason my nearfield sub blends a million times better w/ reverse phase. Maybe it’s easier to tell with just one sub?

Anyway, I’m probably gonna spend all weekend eating and sleeping. I made it through a full week without injury or illness. Come payday I’ll be rich.

I walked out of Home Depot without the thing I went in there for. Safety glasses. My eye is still red from the screw flying into it 3 days ago. truck.


Audioholic Spartan
It's funny when the one cat barfs and later the other eats it.:)


Audioholic Slumlord
Cleaned the grill today before a fire like @BoredSysAdmin . Too bad I am out of gas and cannot use it. :rolleyes:
My grill is running on my home's natural gas—I never need to deal with silly bottles and running out of gas in the middle of an event. The only negative is it burns slightly less hot, but I have a steak charing burner, so it's a non-issue.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Big props to those in the food industry. I did two days of prep and grill station for a wedding. Not sure I have worked that hard in years. 80 plus outside so kitchen must have been close to 95.

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