Streaming is convenient sometimes. Especially after a few and a few more drinks, I don't have to get up to find the movie amongst my 2 layer deep shelves of around 1000 discs that I sort by however I want. Comedy, Actor, Space/aliens, saving the world movies, Disney, and Superhero movies etc.... so it takes awhile to remember where they are hiding. But when I put the disk in, it's like "Porche, there is no substitute". So, back years ago when I had cable and paid extra for HBO, Showtime, Cinemax and got crappy 1996 movies that I already owned, it seemed worthless. Now, it's the ONLY way to get the good TV shows. HBO Max does have some Limited time Theater movies. But owning the disc means ANYTIME! All this has got me wanting to play Journey's Any way you want it that's the way you need it, any way you want it. Then I'll go back to more King Crimson.