Streophile Reviews the JBL 4367, finally



Audioholic Ninja
I had both horn driven Altecs and Klipsch speakers back in the 50's and 60's. My father built a copy of the Klipschorn cabinet in the mid 50's and used Klipsch drivers and network to create a great speaker system. I say system in the singular because it was in the pre-stereo days. My pair of Klipsch Heresies were great speakers. I remember them fondly. They replaced the Altecs which sounded unpleasant to me. It is great to see people building high end speakers with horn drivers. It definitely can be done.


Why wait for Stereophile, where even if it measures poorly and it's expensive, it still sounds good.

Other reviews from sources I actually trust are out there as mentioned.


Seriously, I have no life.
Using "pellucid transparency' to describe the speakers is one reason I stopped reading audio magazines.


Fucking idiot:

"My first three weeks of listening to the JBLs were pretty miserable. They sounded rhythmically disjointed, grayish, soft, bass shy, and so incapable of creating a soundstage that I at first thought I had connected them out of phase. This confused me, because the Harman rep had informed me that these were demo units, presumably with many hours of use. Yet, after about 200 hours of play, the 4367s had improved dramatically, and after 300 they began to sound great. I later learned that the pair I received had only a few hours on them. Mystery solved."
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D Murphy

Full Audioholic
Fucking idiot:

My first three weeks of listening to the JBLs were pretty miserable. They sounded rhythmically disjointed, grayish, soft, bass shy, and so incapable of creating a soundstage that I at first thought I had connected them out of phase. This confused me, because the Harman rep had informed me that these were demo units, presumably with many hours of use. Yet, after about 200 hours of play, the 4367s had improved dramatically, and after 300 they began to sound great. I later learned that the pair I received had only a few hours on them. Mystery solved.
Not really. As has been pointed out numerous times, there is no scientific support for benefits of break-in beyond a few hours or even a few minutes of play time. The most that can happen is the box tuning dropping a couple of Hz.


John Krutke did some empirical measurement of transducer suspension compliance before and after 24 hours. You couldn't the difference could have been written on the smallest edge of a piece of paper.


Audioholic Slumlord
Not really. As has been pointed out numerous times, there is no scientific support for benefits of break-in beyond a few hours or even a few minutes of play time. The most that can happen is the box tuning dropping a couple of Hz.
I'm pretty sure Jin dumped a truckload of sarcasm all over that post, lol. When I first read it tho, I was like... :oops:


Audioholic Jedi
The "fucking idiot" part setup Jinjuku's post rather well I first I thought Dennis was disagreeing with the not really, tho....

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