Cost effective surround/heights for Revel Be series?



Audioholic Intern
Recently was fortunate enough to upgrade to F226Be and M126Be for front/front height. No center, if that matters. I'm having some trouble dialing in the surrounds - my main use case is 2ch upmixing, which means 90% of the signal is coming at me from the front. But, I also have experienced the awkwardness of speakers with dissimilar timbre during surround playback so I don't want to just buy a bunch of Neumi BS5's and hope that EQ will solve it all.

The logical choices are Revel's M/S bookshelves, but my Revel dealer (of course) says they aren't matched particularly well to the Be's. I have yet to wrap my mind around determining timbre matching from measurements alone, so it'd be difficult to stray too far from Revel. Obviously the 126's are the "correct" answer, but I'm not willing to put down so much $ for 10% of the sum output.

Any suggestions? I have kids so grilles basically required and gloss black option = higher WAF. The austere appearance of fixed grille neumann/genelec put them out of the running almost immediately. Thanks!


Full Audioholic
I’m having good luck with these for my rear heights.

They measure well with my other high end speakers. I don’t know if they are big enough for surrounds but they sound great as heights.

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Audioholic Intern
I’m having good luck with these for my rear heights.

They measure well with my other high end speakers. I don’t know if they are big enough for surrounds but they sound great as heights.

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Looks promising - when you say "measure well", as in you've taken in-room measurements? Or you've seen measuerment data somewhere?


Full Audioholic
They measured well with my room EQ graphs. Lacking in bass below 110 but that is what you would expect. Otherwise very flat (really) up through 20khz. Mounting is a breeze with their included mounting hardware.

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