Here is your design. This makes a very nice cost effective sub as I suspected. One or two of these will meet your needs perfectly.
You must add, the driver volume displacement, bracing and port volume to the total internal volume. I estimate this will be about another 0.2 to 0.25 cu.ft.
The port is flared at the baffle end. You should cover half the internal volume with polyfill.
You could use a couple of plate amps, but I would use a two channel amp of 100 to 150 watts per channel if you can afford it. Two plate amps though would be cheaper.
What you could get similar to this in Sweden would do the job. With plate amps, I would get something a little more powerful than you need for reliability reasons, then they won't be stressed. So something 150 to 250 watts.
If you build one or two of these you will not be disappointed.