Ha. Optimistic?
My Lady would call this a pessimistic statement.
Admittedly, when they put the launch (yet again again again....) off to Xmas Day, I grew exceedingly worried about possible success. That, and the 6mo. process of getting ready for scientific observations is, well, frightening.
I'm supremely glad that the JWST is up and I believe already in the process of beginning its processes and progress toward the destination at L2.
I am supremely hopeful that this will achieve full operational functionality; hence cautious optimism.
Read the latest news about NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.
Currently, more than 35,000 miles away, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is cruising through space on the way to its 1 million mile parking spot above the Earth. It will take the space telescope almost a month to complete orbital insertion. Here’s how you can track its way there. Quoting...