If that driver can be used sealed and ported, then build the ported version. The sealed version will need Eq below the F3 alignment and that information will be custom unless SVS give you the T/S parameters. The sealed amp will have built in Eq, otherwise there would be no deep base. A ported sub does not need, nor can it be equalized, so you can use any plate amp, or an external amp.
People think sealed designs are simpler, but in fact they are more complicated.
You can build a test box and measure the T/S parameters. Parts Express sell the Dayton woofer tester, that connects to a computer. It is easy to use.
After you have the T/S parameters, then you can model your design and compute the porting requirements. A ported design is larger but will give better performance than sealed.
As others have stated, SVS make good drivers, so a good DIY design would be a good project and give excellent results.