Rather than doubling up, do you want to head over to the other thread I made? Or I can copy the entire thing here if better.
Honestly, 90% of the help I need at the moment is choosing between 2 AVRs (with not much else available competition wise but open to suggestions) [choices are a 9.2 Yamaha, a 9.2 Marantz with 11.2 processing, and possibly anything I can get with 11.2 amp chanels, though that is getting into triple the price], and then sorting out an Atmos solution.
Desire for 11.2 over 9.2 is for rear surrounds, which I do not even know if I want / will sound good / will be noticeable in the space yet! If the Denon Home wireless speakers can be used as surrounds with a wired system on the Marantz, I may do that as it could well be the cheapest way of getting 11.2, with the ability to move the wireless speakers to another room in the house if we don't care for them in the HT. Best of both worlds! Had my heart set on the Yammy though, but honestly I have almost no experience with them so....
Budget isn't really a hard limit, more of a 'I don't want to double the price, aiming for best in class without breaking the bank'. Hoping for around $10,000 AUD though, if I had to pick a number.