BLUF: How can we get the THX Note to play before a movie begins... but more so in an automated fashion?
The THX "Note" frequency sweep before a movie begins at a movie theater, or like we have in St. Louis (the OmniMax at St. Louis Science Center) is always a call to nostalgia from that first time I saw Jurassic Park in the front row at 6 years old.
Now 35yrs old and having my own dedicated theater room, I long to have the THX Note play before I start a movie when having friends over.
I have the THX tune-up app on my phone, which does provide access to the THX Note. So, sheepishly I hooked up a bluetooth receiver to some RCA cables into a specific output on my receiver. Friends came over, I had all the lights off, projector was off - hit the play button on my phone - A N D I T W A S E P I C, everyone loved it. I then changed modes on my receiver remote (I had the movie queued up in the PS3 already) and hit play and we proceeded into the movie.
As this DID work, it felt a little clunky as the operator - having to juggle my phone and the receiver remote. I've debated loading the THX Note onto the PS3 as a sound file, but then I'd be navigating menus in front of the audience etc - again CLUNKY. My sheepish method was somewhat seamless for the audience, so it may be the best straight line method.
If anyone else has any ideas for execution of this - I would love to hear it!