Thanks, that helps quite a bit. I'm definitely not a gamer, not even close unless you count my addiction to WordsWithFriends

so had pretty much no shot at knowing who he is or what his channel is about I'll give it a watch altho suspect all these hdmi cables gamers are concerned with are for higher speeds than my own needs (1080p). So many making dumbass videos for youtube, so knowing he has some actual chops and gear helps, there are so many youtubers out there, many of whom just aren't worth a watch without some up front info.
You will find that he has quite a few very technical videos that fit into the AV space as much as they git the PC space. Despite the focus his channel has on gamer PC building, it is far more about PC technology than gaming specifically. There are TONS of gaming channels out there, and this is definitely NOT a gaming channel. I would turn it off immediately if that was the case. But, learning about how current generation PCs are put together and what makes them decent is reasonable information for an adult in this century to be aware of.
Most of all, he... or more accurately his large team of employees that are now tasked with this effort, follow the scientific method most of the time. They have high speed cameras to look for motion blur. They measure response times of displays with standardized equipment. They also have fantastic editing which helps make the presentation that much better.
Their series on secret shoppers is excellent consumer information and Dell was specifically called out for very poor business practices, even though they constantly give high praise to the XPS laptop. So, that type of level headed approach, instead of pandering, is what I consider highly ethical. They also announce their sponsors for videos up front so that when you see that product in the video, you know that it is a paid produce placement vs. a choice made for pure quality/cost reasons.
I do think some can build a staff of 30+ employees for a "YouTube" channel for silly things. But, this channel remains one of my favorites for technology. HDTV Test is great information, but it is painful to watch. LTT also happily talks about other PC channels openly, which gives them a boost and props as appropriate. He also calls out their shortcomings, but with a smile as a friendly jab vs. actual hostility. As far as I can tell, this team is doing things right.
Might be fun to start a 'favorite YouTube' technology channel thread.
At work, yesterday, one of my coworkers sent me a link to this exact video. I've never been sent a YouTube tech video before to my knowledge via text.