My super budget 5.1 livingroom setup



Audioholic Spartan
I flat out lied to my girl. I said the subs would only be temporary TO SEE IF we liked it. She said that once they were in place that would be it. I said no, the same way we move them in, we can move them out. I am nothing but flexible. All bullsh!t of course. Those things are heavy. I'm old. It took me 10 years to get them where I wanted. They're staying. I have spoken. :D
How'd I miss all of the fun going on in here? Funny stuff.


Audioholic Warlord
Not a bad idea, if I diy my own sub, maybe I can fit coasters straight to the cabinet...
You could, but should you? The rattle would drive me nuts. Also, last thing I need is my subs trying to escape.


All you need for them is a li'l guilt! Brilliant! Cheaper than the sliders even!

:p :p
Exactly! poor old dad with his bad back.. Maybe I can get a set of coasters fitted to my armchair and the kids can just push my fatass around until I find the perfect bass response! :D :D :D


Audioholic Slumlord
Exactly! poor old dad with his bad back.. Maybe I can get a set of coasters fitted to my armchair and the kids can just push my fatass around until I find the perfect bass response! :D :D :D
Ha! Now you're giving me ideas! :p

For the record tho, those coasters do work great. I have a 100 lb sub and they made scooting it around on the carpet a breeze. I bought a pack at Home Depot on the way to go pick up my sub, lol.


Audioholic Warlord
I just remember I don't need any of this.. I have kids.
Whatever dude. I've got three under 8 and still have plenty of I almost got though it.

I get it. Trust me. I added two extra subs in the theater 6 months ago and STILL haven't had time to calibrate everything. That does take a LOT of time with ratbuddyssey though.

I've got so many almost finished projects I don't even want to think about it. Now that the weather is cooling off it won't be so bad to do some of them now.


Audioholic Warlord
Ha! Now you're giving me ideas! :p

For the record tho, those coasters do work great. I have a 100 lb sub and they made scooting it around on the carpet a breeze. I bought a pack at Home Depot on the way to go pick up my sub, lol.
I could make a harness for my kids to pull mine around. That'd be fun. Well, for me at least.

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