I usually like to open my windows/patio door in my living room where my speakers are located. I'm wondering if I should be aware of my humidity inside, as I don't want to damage my speakers.
I live in a more humid part of the country, for example, this morning my living room is at 61% humidity (it was raining yesterday, and I have the windows open for fresh air). Should I be worried at all about my speakers? Or no big deal?
I think you need to be much more worried about your electronics than your speakers. A lot of components and circuit boards do not like high humidity.
Up here in the upper Midwest we have historically been on the dry side. Not any more. Once the weather warms up we have far more very humid days than dry ones. To my way of thinking this is the most obvious and recognizable consequence of global warming. This is not healthy. So I think a lot of homes now need a central dehumidifier as part of their HVAC system. This makes the house much more comfortable in the warmer months. The more your house is insulated, the more essential this becomes. The reason is that your AC will run less, and so not as much water vapor is removed. Then you get that nasty cold clammy condition, which is uncomfortable and not healthy.
In addition the dehumidifier off loads your AC by alleviating a good deal of the burden of latent heat energy required to condense water vapor, back to water. It makes your whole AC system much more comfortable and efficient.
This is now an item that most homes require. It is easily added to any HVAC system. Set your house humidity to 42% and you will be amazed how much more comfortable your house becomes. It will be a lot healthier for you and your electronics.