Best Home theater speakers



Hi Friendz,

Am interested to buy new home theater(5.1) speakers(+Floor standing) and below is my wish list. Mostly i watch movies and little music:
Need your suggestions and recommendations which will be the best.

1- SVS Ultra Tower Surround (
2- Definitive Technology BP- 9040 series
3- Focal Chora 826 series
4- KEF Q950 Series.
I want to suggest to stay within these selections as I did my research already .



Audioholic Chief
Would help a lot for us to know room size (HxWxL) and characteristics, plus speaker budget.

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Audioholic Ninja
Hi Friendz,

Am interested to buy new home theater(5.1) speakers(+Floor standing) and below is my wish list. Mostly i watch movies and little music:
Need your suggestions and recommendations which will be the best.

1- SVS Ultra Tower Surround (
2- Definitive Technology BP- 9040 series
3- Focal Chora 826 series
4- KEF Q950 Series.
I want to suggest to stay within these selections as I did my research already .

I'm not that familiar with D.T. but the SVS, Focals and KEFs are all fine choices. Are you able to demo any of these locally? That's the best test. If you're in the U.S., SVS has a generous return policy that lets you try the speakers at home. Try and find some reviews and see how they describe the sound and how that compares to your personal tastes. When speakers are in a similar class, which is best is rather subjective. Don't forget a good quality subwoofer, or two if within budget. SVS will have the best bang for the dollar. The speakers should match but can be paired with any brand sub.


I'm not that familiar with D.T. but the SVS, Focals and KEFs are all fine choices. Are you able to demo any of these locally? That's the best test. If you're in the U.S., SVS has a generous return policy that lets you try the speakers at home. Try and find some reviews and see how they describe the sound and how that compares to your personal tastes. When speakers are in a similar class, which is best is rather subjective. Don't forget a good quality subwoofer, or two if within budget. SVS will have the best bang for the dollar. The speakers should match but can be paired with any brand sub.
Yes, SVS is my first preference.. Others are less in watts/power like KEF when compared to SVS am confused little. So you recommend SVS?


Audioholic Jedi
Yes, SVS is my first preference.. Others are less in watts/power like KEF when compared to SVS am confused little. So you recommend SVS?
What do you mean less in power? Are you referring to speaker maximum wattage ratings? They're not all that useful. Try this article, more important for speaker considerations.

ps this one, too


Audioholic Ninja
Yes, SVS is my first preference.. Others are less in watts/power like KEF when compared to SVS am confused little. So you recommend SVS?
As Lovinthehd mentioned, don't judge a speaker by its power rating. That only tells you the maximum continuous power they can handle and few people ever max that out. The speaker sensitivity is a measure of how loud the speaker will be given a certain amount of power, the higher the better. 89dB or higher is fairly efficient and the SVS Ultra Towers are rated at 88dB. If you like it loud, it's more important to have lots of clean power so that you don't drive the amp into distortion. Distortion damages speakers but most speakers can handle bursts of high power if it's clean. Having one or two subs and using bass management will give you a little more headroom as well.

Keep in mind that the SVS towers have side facing woofers, so you need them spaced properly from any side walls. If you like SVS and can return them from within the U.S. I see no reason not to try them. Plenty of people like that model. The KEF with its Q driver (concentric midrange and tweeter) can be better for movie dialogue but if your into big action films I think you'll like the Ultras.

I mentioned best bang for the dollar but that was in regard to subwoofers. Even if you get the Ultras I still recommend a good sub from SVS to produce those low frequency effects that movies can have. The Ultras are rated down to 28 Hz but a good ported sub can get you below 20 Hz.


As Lovinthehd mentioned, don't judge a speaker by its power rating. That only tells you the maximum continuous power they can handle and few people ever max that out. The speaker sensitivity is a measure of how loud the speaker will be given a certain amount of power, the higher the better. 89dB or higher is fairly efficient and the SVS Ultra Towers are rated at 88dB. If you like it loud, it's more important to have lots of clean power so that you don't drive the amp into distortion. Distortion damages speakers but most speakers can handle bursts of high power if it's clean. Having one or two subs and using bass management will give you a little more headroom as well.

Keep in mind that the SVS towers have side facing woofers, so you need them spaced properly from any side walls. If you like SVS and can return them from within the U.S. I see no reason not to try them. Plenty of people like that model. The KEF with its Q driver (concentric midrange and tweeter) can be better for movie dialogue but if your into big action films I think you'll like the Ultras.

I mentioned best bang for the dollar but that was in regard to subwoofers. Even if you get the Ultras I still recommend a good sub from SVS to produce those low frequency effects that movies can have. The Ultras are rated down to 28 Hz but a good ported sub can get you below 20 Hz.
Thanks.. I will go for SVS and make a try.. One more question :). I have Plan to boost the Front floor standing SVS Ultras with CROWN amp 2500. Will that be good? Any power amp suggestion for center channel? Or can i power all 3 channels with Behringer NX4-6000 Ultra Lightweight 6000? which is the best? CROWN or Behringer?


Audioholic Ninja
Thanks.. I will go for SVS and make a try.. One more question :). I have Plan to boost the Front floor standing SVS Ultras with CROWN amp 2500. Will that be good? Any power amp suggestion for center channel? Or can i power all 3 channels with Behringer NX4-6000 Ultra Lightweight 6000? which is the best? CROWN or Behringer?
I'm more familiar with the Behringer pro gear but that NX4-6000 looks pretty nice. I just wish they would give specs with rated power into 8 ohms and not just 2 ohms. Most companies give 2 /4 /6 /8 ohm ratings. Found a German web site that quoted 4 x 860W into 4 ohms and 4 x 440W into 8 ohms, for comparison to the Crown. We have a few people on the forums using Crown amps so hopefully someone else will chime in on the amp recommendation. Is it the XLS or XLi version? The XLS is also rated at 440W into 8 ohms so same power as the Behringer but only two channels. I would imagine that you would want to try and have equal power across the 3 front channels, so probably use the Behringer to drive all 3? Wait for some feedback from others. ;)

And remember that the Behringer uses speak-on cable connectors. You'll need a cable that goes from speak-on to either banana plugs or spade terminals to fit the Ultras. The Ultras with that kind of power should be pretty sweet.


I'm more familiar with the Behringer pro gear but that NX4-6000 looks pretty nice. I just wish they would give specs with rated power into 8 ohms and not just 2 ohms. Most companies give 2 /4 /6 /8 ohm ratings. Found a German web site that quoted 4 x 860W into 4 ohms and 4 x 440W into 8 ohms, for comparison to the Crown. We have a few people on the forums using Crown amps so hopefully someone else will chime in on the amp recommendation. Is it the XLS or XLi version? The XLS is also rated at 440W into 8 ohms so same power as the Behringer but only two channels. I would imagine that you would want to try and have equal power across the 3 front channels, so probably use the Behringer to drive all 3? Wait for some feedback from others. ;)

And remember that the Behringer uses speak-on cable connectors. You'll need a cable that goes from speak-on to either banana plugs or spade terminals to fit the Ultras. The Ultras with that kind of power should be pretty sweet.
Thank you i will wait for others too


Audioholic Slumlord
I had a 5.1 setup with Ultra towers and Ultra books for center and surround and really loved them. They can handle a lot of power and stay very well behaved at high volumes. Great sq too. I have no problem recommending the Ultra series. I used a bookshelf for my center channel because I have the room for it, but their dedicated center is a very good design also, so you're good either way imo. They reviewed very favorably here.

This was the review (along with many recommendations) that sold me on giving SVS a try.

I've been admiring Focal for a little while now too and wouldn't mind giving them a go either, but I haven't had any opportunities to check them out yet. They make great looking speakers with top notch build quality. I think I could be very happy with Focal. I don't have a lot of experience with KEF either, but myself would be more interested in the R series, tho those aren't as friendly on the budget.

I'd pass on DefTech's BP series for a couple of reasons, like the powered bass sections. If an amp goes on one of them the speaker is seriously compromised and repairs can be costly. Plus they don't really dig that deep anyway. I'd much rather look at their Demand series passive speakers and get a separate dedicated subwoofer (I'd want a sub with pretty much any speakers), plus I'm not really sold on bipolar speakers either. The Demand series actually reviewed really well here.

That's their most expensive flagship tower, but they have other models in the line.



Thanks All..
I was searching more and my mind is dragging towards in-wall speakers now for LCR channels.
Is that worth to go for In-wall speakers rather normal/floor standing speakers?
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
Thanks All..
I was searching more and my mind is dragging towards in-wall speakers now for LCR channels.
Is that worth to go for In-wall speakers rather normal/floor standing speakers?
Is it worth it? Depends. Usually in room speakers will always outperform IW speakers. They will benefit from having full cabinets, and the ability to place them optimally. High performance IW speakers that can match the performance of in room speakers are usually very expensive. Your expectations will determine what you spend however. The other side of that is IW speakers lend a cleaner look to a room. For me? It’s worth it to NOT use IW LCR. It just depends on you want in the end.
What is it that appeals to you about IW speakers for LCR.


Audioholic Slumlord
Thanks All..
I was searching more and my mind is dragging towards in-wall speakers now for LCR channels.
Is that worth to go for In-wall speakers rather normal/floor standing speakers?
What are you considering worth? The only reason for going IW is if you don't like speakers imo, lol. "Normal" or floor standing speakers are designed for performance first (well, at least the good ones are) and IW are designed to be unobtrusive first. You can find IW that perform well, but with a big price increase, and even at that once they're installed you can't experiment with positioning to optimize.

I personally don't think it's worth compromising sound quality and/or my budget for IW speakers.


Audioholic Samurai
What do you mean less in power? Are you referring to speaker maximum wattage ratings? They're not all that useful. Try this article, more important for speaker considerations.

ps this one, too
yeah for sure !!!
Wattage isn’t relevant as far as sound quality. Rookie mistake .. I used to think it mattered but only with bass. For actual movie theaters spl needed ofc too damage people’s hearing lmao .. cinemark is freakin loud at here .. my ears hurt with earplugs in last time I went . Which had been lost by now …


What are you considering worth? The only reason for going IW is if you don't like speakers imo, lol. "Normal" or floor standing speakers are designed for performance first (well, at least the good ones are) and IW are designed to be unobtrusive first. You can find IW that perform well, but with a big price increase, and even at that once they're installed you can't experiment with positioning to optimize.

I personally don't think it's worth compromising sound quality and/or my budget for IW speakers.
Got it.. Am trying to put LCR speakers behind my projector screen hence I was looking for IW speakers. I totally understand your concern.
Then what about PSA MT210M for LCR's.. Can I place it behind the screen? Any PSA experiences? Does PSA needs power amplifiers or just AV receiver is enough?
Thanks in advance


Full Audioholic
SVS Ultra's were my first choice until I was introduced to the Klipsch RF7 III's. SVS requires a ton more power to play as clear and cleanly as the Klipsch do so plan on more power.


Audioholic Spartan
SVS Ultra's were my first choice until I was introduced to the Klipsch RF7 III's. SVS requires a ton more power to play as clear and cleanly as the Klipsch do so plan on more power.
If I had room for those Klipsch in my house boy I'd be all over them congratulations those are some nice speakers


Senior Audioholic
Take a look at Triad's in-wall speakers. Great company. Hand built speakers at many price points. Custom paint matching and made in Portland, Oregon.


What do you mean less in power? Are you referring to speaker maximum wattage ratings? They're not all that useful. Try this article, more important for speaker considerations.

ps this one, too
Power is not much of a problem now and maximum wattage ratings are irrelevent. The damage comes from low power which can destroy the speaker drivers. One has to know when the maximum volume of any given driver has reached it's xmax and if the voice coil bottom out, the driver will have to be replaced. The SVS is average at best. Medium quality drivers from peerless, the bass driver is bad, terrible components in the crossover (the cheapest that I've seen but the "new" normal for the get rich quick crowd) aluminum wiring inside (Copper, OFC Copper so a rewire would be needed). The bass goes thump thump thump but this is NOT BASS which if one listens to some comparably priced, well engineered systems has definition of the fundamentals and the overtones of which you can identify what is being played). I have an old REL Stadium III and Magnepan 3.6r and the new Magnepan 1.7i is excellent. Peerless makes much better drivers at a reasonable price, especially at the bass end but the bass units have 1.5" voice coils, are too heavy for accuracy and are bettered by Peerless - Product Sheet.pdf. The crossover is throw away. There are components that are much faster in and accurate of capacitors and the use of electrolytics costs pennies, the resistors cost pennies also and are sand cast, the worst and cheapest one can install, and the Inductors are the cheapest available with a small gauge wire and used to often throughout the low pass filters and are a couple of bucks each. GR-Research can help but the upgrade in the crossover for the SVS Ultra Towers, including connections, direct wire to wire soldering and quality components are $700 a pair. Air core inductors help the midrange considerably as well as Film Caps for the Tweeter and definition is much better. The Mids and Tweeter are good and you will hear detail in movies that you didn't hear before. As far as subwoofers go, Rythmik Audio are the best, they are servo based and go low and accurately, better than most RELS.

Over all, when the sound can reproduce the movie score, action and dialog accurately, you will be turning the volume down, so rather than being rattled till your ears hurt, you will be listening to dialog and background sounds and dialog you never heard before.
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