The similar rating specs between the Onkyo and Hafler are 80wpc vs 115wpc, so the Hafler has about a 1.6dB advantage there....didn't see lower impedance spec for the Hafler, possibly some differences there. The Onkyo alone should work well.
Input Impedance: 47,OOO ohms.
Input Sensitivity: 1.55 volts rms for 1 15 watts into 8 ohms.
IM Distortion (SMPTE): Less than O.OOS’%, from 1 watt to 1 15 Damping Factor: 300 to 1 kHz into 8 ohms
watts into 8 ohms. 60 to 10 kHz into 8 ohms
Typical THD at 115 watts into 8 ohms:
I kHz - 0 0 02 5__ %
IO kHz - 0.007%
20 kHz - 0.012’/‘
Frequency Response into 8 ohms:
- 3 dB. 2 Hz to 160 kHz at 1 watt
+O, -0.5 dB, 6 Hz to 60 kHz at 1 15 watts
Rise Time: 10 kHz. 60 volts peak to peak square wave, 10%
to 90% 2.5 us.
Slew Rate: 10 kHz. 60 volts peak to peak square wave: 30 VI’,~ s.
Semiconductor Complement: 26 transistors. 8 power
Mosfets, 29 diodes, 4 zener diodes. 1 diode bridge.
Typical Channel Separation: 20 Hz:> 75 dB
1 kHz:>85 dB
20 kHz: >6S dB
Power Consumption: 1 15 watts into 8 ohm