So at 15 feet 1 inch distance (I will assume both speakers are this since your left speaker is missing this information. So the direct path from your speaker to your listening position is 15 feet 1 inch (4.525 meters). The indirect path is the 17 inches to the back wall, plus the 17 inches back from the wall to the front reflected, and then the 15 feet 1 inch to your listening position (5.375 meters). The difference is 34 inches (0.850 meters). That's going to generate a null at 202hz in your upper bass. Keep in mind, this is well above your cross over. So you simply will not cover this null most likely. The only way to fix this is with broadboad low frequency absorption treatment behind the speakers (like 4 inch to 6 inch very dense material), and/or pulling the speaker away from the wall to increase the indirect path to drive the null deeper into low frequency where it can be covered by your subs (but this requires you pull the speakers from the wall significantly, ie, a few feet). So if you did a frequency response of these speakers even with your subs, you'd see a huge null (dip with no audible SPL basically in the 202hz range with a curve on each side of it for a small range of frequencies that are canceled out and inaudible).
Sub 1
So the first sub is 19 feet 11 inches (239 inches) to your listening position, as the direct path. The indirect path, the reflection, will be 13 inches to the wall, 13 inches reflected back, then 19 feet 11 inches to your listening position (265 inches). That's 6.625 meters indirect and 5.975 meters direct, for a difference of 26 inches or 0.650 meters. This will generate a null at a 264 hz, this is fine because that's way above it's crossover and is covered by your mains.
Sub 2
I can't really follow through the typos (walk?) and stuff, but the wall behind the sub, not the floor, isn't likely 4 inches away. So I guess I'll just assume it's another 13 inches to the wall like your other sub, just because I don't have that measurement, so will just guess. But 14 feet direct path (168 inches) and then a reflection of 13 inches back to the wall, 13 inches forward again then another 14 feet for the total direct path (194 inches), is a difference of 26 inches, or basically the same as your Sub 1 for this purpose, resulting in the same null at 264hz. Again, covered by your mains.
So ultimately the main null to deal with is with your mains, at 202hz and you can address it with placement or treatment. The subs won't cover it.
Anyhow, that's the kind of exercise I was thinking of since you can calc this before measuring and get a good idea of what to expect and where you might want to put your attention when working out room treatment and placement of speakers.
Very best,