Hi guys, I'm new here and hopefully this is the right place (because I'm struggling to get the answers I need x_x)
Below I'll post one or more question regarding my audio setup, but before that a quick overview of my current setup:
Overview of my setup:
This is a small room (maybe 3x4 meters) desktop computer audio setup, currently I have a pair of JBL 305p MkII connected to an Audio Interface U-Phoria UMC22 and the next piece I'll be adding to it is the subwoofer.
The 3 contenders for the position of subwoofer are:
JBL LSR 310 S (399€) |
YAMAHA HS8S (475€) |
SVS SB1000 PRO (600€) - prices are what I can get from my country, Italy.
This setup goal is to have an amazing music listening experience, so hopefully what I'm using (and planning to use) will achieve that.
now for the mixed questions:
Question 1:
on the back plate of my JBL 305p MkII there is an "Input Sensitivity" swith with settings "+4dBu" and "-10dBv"
Right now they are set to "+4dBu" with the Volume knob to 10 (max), and from the audio interface the volume is to 12 o'clock for normal listening and 3 o'clock for music (high volume) - the knob from the interface can reach 5 o'clock max, so is not cranked up ever.
I am using balanced XLR to TRS cables to connect to the U-Phoria UMC22 Audio Interface and the Monitor and "user guide" says: "set the switch to +4 dBu setting when: connecting 3 series mkII speakers to professional equipment with a +4 dBu nominal output level...etc..."
So the question is, does U-Phoria UMC22 has this +4 dBu nominal output level? I think it doesn't...can you guys confirm? And if it doesn't, should I consider buying a new interface? Is the U-Phoria UMC22 messing the sound in any way?
Question 2:
this question is about choosing the correct subwoofer, so I'll post some graphs of the 3 contenders:
JBL LSR 310 S:
Can't find Graph...
Keeping in mind my goal is an awesome music listening experience, here's the pro and cons I've found with them:
-It is made to match my JBL 305p mkII so I wouldn't need to stress about things I don't understand for it to sound great, I assume
-Down-firing, means I can rotate it 90° which would improve cable management a lot (no cables touching ground)
-Can't find the graph for it
-It is out of stock until September - not sure I can wait
-Down-firing, means I can rotate it 90° which would improve cable management a lot (no cables touching ground)
-Available right now
-Smallest woofer of the 3
-Graph shows it starts declining around 30Hz
-Sealed, which is supposed to give me tighter and more punchy base? (that's what I think I have understood anyway)
-Graph show starts declining below 30Hz
-Biggest woofer
-The most expensive
-Should be facing towards me, which given my setup means I'll have cables touching the ground, making it annoying every time I need to clean the room
-Doesn't use balanced XLR/TRS cables, so I don't even know how this connects to what I got, but I assume it makes things harder (maybe worst?)
So, the problem is I don't have any reference real life experience to know how much the fact the yamaha starts declining at around 30Hz will impact my music listening experience, or how superior the SVS SB1000 PRO is, assuming I can even hook it up to all this
So maybe I need some suggestions/opinions from you guys before choosing.
If I had the SVS SB1000 PRO for 6 months and just listened to music, and then switched to the Yamaha, do you think I would notice a difference and be mildly disappointed by it?
Question 3:

This is from the Yamaha manual, explaining the usage of the Low Cut and High Cut knobs, and I still don't quite get it.
Can you explain this to me and more in the specific what would be the actual setting of the two knobs for blending correctly with my JBL 305p MkII?
This is the graph for my JBL (in Blue)
Question 4:
Reading the Yamaha manual I've noticed it mention turning this things in order: First the source (interface, etc...), second the subwoofer, third the monitors - and turning everything off in the reverse order.
I have a power switch with the monitors hooked to it, what would happen if I plug the sub as well there and turn ON/OFF subwoofer and monitor at the same time? Will this damage the equipment over time?
This all the question I have for now, I'll probably have more in the future