It may seem a bit weird, but the Vintage option in my case one point is the appearance.
Another option is to go for something more modern and not so much for its appearance and it would be a Denon PMA-510AE.
I'm looking for quality sound and there is a lot of talk out there about the sound of the Vintage and going to the modern there is talk of Denon. Always considering this price range in my country.
The word vintage is overused for sure in audio. Some like that look, personally all I care about is performance. Black is fine, meters get old real quick.
I started buying audio gear in '72, and still have some "vintage" stuff (separates, never was interested in just an integrated amp). I use the more modern avrs instead for the most part now, as they're easier to use with modern gear (internet, wifi and dac capabilities etc) plus am a fan of multich audio. I think my avrs (including two Denons) sound just as good as my separates do in 2ch mode, I've not found over the years that the electronics are a significant part of the "sound" compared to your speakers and the influence of your long as the electronics are decent.
These days I find just generally integrated amps are more for the guys who want to handle/fondle/stare at them whereas I prefer a remote and rarely even glance over at the gear except to read a setting on a panel
Overall for better sound I'd concentrate on better speakers. What do you use for amp now?
ps Few integrated amps provide for integration of subs (bass management features)....and adding a sub would probably be a thought with your speakers.