Anyone playing the lotto this week?



Audioholic Spartan
Both Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots are over 500 million this week. Heck I haven't purchased any tickets since I moved to Florida from Texas 9 months ago. So one of each for $2 as I had a few dollar bills left after my purchases. Wish me luck. :)


Audioholic Ninja
Both Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots are over 500 million this week. Heck I haven't purchased any tickets since I moved to Florida from Texas 9 months ago. So one of each for $2 as I had a few dollar bills left after my purchases. Wish me luck. :)
Good luck! and since I wished you luck first, and if you win, I get first dibs on all of your audio gear you have now.:D
John Parks

John Parks

Audioholic Samurai
The odds of winning are almost impossibly low but someone will win. The chances of purchasing a winning ticket are exactly the same for everyone, so why not spend a few bucks?

I know some would say to not waste your time (and cash) but the odds of winning are exactly zero if you don’t play. I’ll take the (extremely) small odds...


Audioholic Jedi
I just play the potto....crumple up a $1 bill or two and flush....


Audioholic Overlord
I play a different type of lotto by working for startups. Maybe I'll be lucky and my 30k shares will do an Amazon.


Audioholic Warlord
@lsiberian – Welcome back! I haven't seen you around for a long time.

If I remember correctly, you had an excessively long string of bad luck in your life, from health to marriage to job. The last I recall, you were moving from Texas to NYC. That must have been quite a change.

So, with all that behind you (I hope), how're you doing lately?


Audioholic Spartan
Both big jackpots won (not by me) :( so I will wait a bit to purchase anymore tickets.


Seriously, I have no life.
I'm heading to the casino- I have a new system that I want to try.......

Then, I'm going to a strip joint because I met a dancer who really likes me...


Audioholic Spartan
I'm heading to the casino- I have a new system that I want to try.......

Then, I'm going to a strip joint because I met a dancer who really likes me...
Good luck and bring lots of cash :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Seriously, I have no life.
Good luck and bring lots of cash :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I don't need a lot of cash- I have a system! :cool:

I have been to the local casino twice- first time, I made my donation and the second time, because I don't gamble or bet if I have no control over the outcome, I started with about $20. I put five dollars into the slot machine and racked up some credits. Once I was done with the first $5, I cashed out and put the ticket in my pocket and used another $5, cashing out after that money was gone. Rinse, lather, repeat. When I was done, it had turned into more than $120.

Time to go.


Audioholic Warlord
That's the type of money that just makes no sense to a normal human being.

You 'only' end up with about 42% of the amount due to the 'cash value' option and then dropping 37% to the Feds and another 6 percent or so to your local state government (depending).

So, you know... Only 420 million dollars left.

Invest it in something pretty boring earning about 8% annually and pull 3% off the top as your monthly allowance.
That leaves you with about $600,000 you can spend... after taxes... every month.... forever.

After the houses and a few cars, most people would be at a loss on what they want. I mean, all the top audio gear you ever really wanted paid off on a month. Get super crazy and call it two months. It's just an insane amount and beyond comprehension.

I would definitely be giving a lot of money away. I do have certain multi-million dollar plans if I ever won an insane amount of cash.

But, you know, I'd probably be pretty happy with 20 million if that's all I got. I'm cool like that.


Or may as well have been 3000 miles away in that regard. You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning....
I agree, and I hardly ever play. Just when the jackpot gets to be this big, I'll drop a few bucks.

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