I can't hear naturally beyond 12k, meaning, without trying. It would be too distracting if I had to focus on that range.
OTOH, I don't feel like I am missing anything. It occurs to me that, maybe I never did hear above 12k.
It also occurs to me that speakers in general have gotten a lot better. Even the budget lines of many, are contenders. Tweeters have gotten so good, that I am now into all of the tiniest percussion accents to where I sometimes pick a band (or genre, for that matter) based on it's percussionist/s section. Take Latin jazz, for example. There is so much cool sounds going on in the background, and the tonal quality is incredible.
Main point being, if not being able to hear beyond say, 10khz is a handicap, I am ok with it. I have not enjoyed audio as much as I do now in my life that I am aware of, unless it's just another of those 'hindsight' tricks, that aging also plays on us. Anything else? Being born in a time of well exercised imaginations, due in part to lack of technology as part of that learning curve, I can pretty much bank on that to fill in the missing bits. We're hearing the resonant harmonics of the friction of a bow on a violin. If music didn't match our aged hearing as well as it does, we would not be driven to listen so obsessively.
Good time to be alive.