Hi everyone,
I want to buy my first pair of speakers. I currently only have a JBL bar 3.1 but the sound quality is in my opinion EXTREMELY poor. I prefered to save the money and just keep my televisions build-in sound. I never really invested in a decent set of speakers because I share this house with family members, so investing in headphones seemed the better option since I could play music any time of the day. I also didn't accousticly treat my room.
For reference I own the following headphone: Beyerdynamic DT 770 pro, Philips fidelio X2, Senheiser HD650, Fostex TRX00, audeze LCD 2C ( hopefully modhouse argon MK3 soon too ).
I dont need the speakers to be as good as my favorite headphones ( audeze LCD2C and fostex ) but I don't want it to be a massive downgrade either.
The speakers will be placed in my "game & lounge room" which is just 20 square meters or 215 Square feet. All walls are made out of concrete and all windows can be "hidden" with curtains.
Since I have 0 knowledge about speakers I hope you guys can help me out with the basics and some recommendations.
I always read Hifi vs home theatre setups. However, isnt it possible to have BOTH a home theater setup and a hifi setup in 1?
I was thinking about Starting with 2 speakers ( klipsch rp600m ) and a decent AMP . Then I wonder if I could later add an AV receiver and 3 additional speakers ? For music Ill switch to 2.1 and for movies i'll switch to 5.1 . Is this system possible? And would this be easy ? Or would I've to unplug stuff first?
The sound signature I'm looking for is: Warm and lively. Details must be there, however I don't need the most analytical set of speakers. To really listen to the details i'll use my headphones. I just want a laid-back experience yet remaining resolution. Soundstage is pretty important for me since that's what's lacking with my current headphones. I basically want this speakerset to be complimentary to my headphones.
What is a good price to start with? I hope to keep it as budget friendly as possible, since I rather spend the big money on expending my headphone collection.
Right now I budgeted around 600 euro for the speakers + stand ( Klipsch RP600M 500 euro + 100 euro stands ). I've no idea what an amp would cost but would a Sony STRDH190 be enough? This would keep the price at just 700 euro which isn't bad at all.
Later on I could add an AV receiver ( Decent one is 600 ish euro's for dolby atmos if I'm not mistaken ?? ) , Klipsch 500c ( 320 euro ) , Pair of klipsch 500m ( 375 euro ) .
So first of all, will this system work? Will I be able to easily switch between 2.1 and 5.1 with this system? Any ways to save money? Is an amp neccessary or can I just better buy a decent AV receiver without an amp ? This will cost me a bit more at first but saves money in the short term.
I'm open to buy used as well.