Thank you for your quick response. I greatly appreciate it.
I have Comcast Xfinity cable service.
I have thought about returning my cable box and exchanging it for a new one. Is it likely that this could provide a long term fix? Or is it more probable that even if this offers immediate relief, it will quickly fail again? I suppose that depends on if they exchange it like-for-like, or if they provide some other hardware.
Thanks again.
That is interesting. I have xfinity Comcast running on three systems.
I'm sure this is an HDMI incompatibility issue. I see there are quite a few firmware updates for that receiver. So the first thing to do is to make sure you have the latest software installed on your system. If that does not solve the problem then I would get hold of Comcast and see if you need new cable boxes.
I suspect that Comcast have done an update, and your receiver has out of date HDCP codes.
HDMI is still a problem, part of the issue is manufacturers failing to get their products certified.
If all those things do not solve the issue, then although that receiver is not very old, it will need to be replaced.
Along the way in my searches, I note that unit has a bad reputation. I suspect your receiver is the one out of compliance and not the Comcast set top boxes unless they are very old. Pioneer is currently a mess, so it is likely that unit may not be properly supported.
Your task is to find which of the units, receiver or set top boxes have the rogue HDCP codes. One thing I am certain of is that this is an HDCP incompatibility issue.