While there is no noise which will be transferred over a good USB connection to a good external sound card, the real answer for which is 'best' is the same as always...
The DACs within the sound card of any computer, USB sound card, or streaming device are the key points at which the audio streaming bits are converted to a analog format for playback. Some receivers have integrated DACs for streaming as well. In fact, many do these days.
So, it is the quality of these various components which will dictate the quality you will get into the receiver or amplifier or speakers which you are using.
At the end of the day, I would think a typical DAC these days will outperform most of the speakers which people are using. But, I would opt for a known quality streaming device over any unknown quantity. So, something like a Blusound streamer if I really want known good audio quality. Maybe an Oppo player. Or I would ask and do my homework on a good USB sound card if I really wanted to control every single piece from my computer... Which I would not typically want to do. But, that's me. Many people do nothing but sit in front of their PC, and that's when it makes a lot more sense I suppose.
This is why we have options.