What is your loudspeaker company? Have you heard these speakers? Have you tested these speakers?
No, I have not heard and tested those speakers. However I can spot a promising design. But would not recommend one without data.
My current AV room
Left and right dual active triamped TL speakers and center active biamped TL
Sealed surround speakers, and rear back active biamped dual TLS. The 4 ceiling speakers are sealed.
FR and impulse response of a front main speaker.
Off axis response. Black line is 90 degrees off axis.
Waterfall response.
This is the FR in the new room, which has less LF artefact.
FR of the center TL
This is the FR of the total system at the main listening position.
Center speaker
I have two other systems in the house all with measurements. The above are just a few to illustrate what I mean.
I am a retired physician.
The late Siegfried Linkwitz published a lot on open backed speakers. He showed that good results could only be achieved with an active design with active Eq.