Thinking of Raising My Floorstanding Speakers



Hi. I don't have a dedicated HT room. So to get better sound I was thinking of raising my floor standing speakers about 24 inches. I have an Anthem MDX 720 and used ARC....but I still think I can get better sound by raising my speakers. Any thoughts on this? Thanks.



Full Audioholic
Is your tweeter/midrange driver at ear level now...if so I would leave them at the height they were designed for. Why do you think they will sound better higher?

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I have 2 tweeter drivers and they're both at ear level with no obstructions. And 2 midrange drivers...the lower one is lightly obstructed by the couch arm. I was thinking that if there's no furniture in front of the speakers there would be less reflective sound waves and it would sound better. So it sounds like I shouldn't raise them?


Full Audioholic
Can you move the speakers or furniture to give clear line of sight?

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Right now I have my AV cabinet in the centre of the room under my TV (Sony XBR85X900F). 2 subs on each side..(SVS SB 3000s) .then the speakers. I can switch the speakers to be beside the cabinet and the subs on the outside. I can't move the furniture. Won63't look as nice but the line of sight will be improved a lot. I thought of that before but wanted to check on the raising question first. Thanks ellisr63 for your advice. Appreciate it.


Audioholic Overlord
What speakers do you have?
A photo would be great so we can better see the situation.
Generally, I think you'd be better off with one mid-woof firing into the sofa than raising the speaker by a whopping 2 feet! The mid drivers tend to interfere with the tweeters if you are listening with the mids on axis with your ears!
Can you try moving the speaker out from behind the sofa or pushing the sofa back as a temporary test to see what problems you might notice? Then do the same raising the speaker.


Audioholic Overlord
Right now I have my AV cabinet in the centre of the room under my TV (Sony XBR85X900F). 2 subs on each side..(SVS SB 3000s) .then the speakers. I can switch the speakers to be beside the cabinet and the subs on the outside. I can't move the furniture. Won63't look as nice but the line of sight will be improved a lot. I thought of that before but wanted to check on the raising question first. Thanks ellisr63 for your advice. Appreciate it.
I would try swapping the sub and speaker just on the side of the sofa. This would leave a bigger spread between you mains than putting both speakers inside the mains. Hopefully you can shift the LP over to the new center, but either way, when you run setup, it will level match them for your LP.


I would try swapping the sub and speaker just on the side of the sofa. This would leave a bigger spread between you mains than putting both speakers inside the mains. Hopefully you can shift the LP over to the new center, but either way, when you run setup, it will level match them for your LP.




So I have 2 subs. My thought is to switch the speaker and sub positions. But would that not reduce the soundstage? Isn't it better to have the speakers as wide as possible? Speakers are Axiom Audio M80s. Driven by an Emotiva XPR Gen 3 2 ch power amp. Plus 2 SVS SB 3000 Subs.
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Audioholic Overlord
On the right side, could you get away with swapping the chair and the end table?
Did you take the photo from standing or sitting in the LP?
If sitting, it looks like you should raise the speakers a few (maybe 8-10"?) to get the tweeter at ear level.
How far are speakers from the side walls? What is width of room?


Audioholic Overlord
General info:
Height 39.5"
Crossovers at 220Hz and 1.8kHz.
Photo of speaker:


Yes. Photo taken from the LP. Room is 10.5 feet wide. Speakers are 21 inches from the back wall and 12 inches from the side walls. Tweeters are about 3ft. Sitting LP my ears are about 3 or 4 inches higher.


Audioholic Overlord
I'm eyeballing it, but wouldn't 6" elevation get both mids clear of the sofa arm?
I kind of freaked when you were talking raising your speakers by 24" as that really throws things way off-axis vertically, but seems like you don't really need that much to clear the mids.
I think you can compromise on a shorter stand.

Alternately (because you may be wanting the speakers more at the elevation of the TV screen), you can elevate them 24" but you'll need to rig a way to tilt the speakers downward so your ears are on-axis, and people in the seats closest to the TV would be well below axis.

I have a pair of speakers elevated using black (actually the color is better described as charcoal) Yoga blocks - cheap, flexible (4X6X8 gives variable heights to experiment with), and don't attract too much attention. If you wanted 6" elevation using these, I would use 3 on each side in an "I" formation (if you just have the top and bottom, there is a chance that a solid hit from a vacuum cleaner or dog might roll the Yoga blocks, but the one positioned 90 degrees in the center would prevent that).


Audioholic Ninja
man get those chairs out of Your Man Cave!!
Yeah that's right I said Your Man Cave! The rest of the house is your wife's anyways. :D
Lol jacking but I wouldn't maybe put them on Isolation pads lift them up a little bit inch or two.


I'm eyeballing it, but wouldn't 6" elevation get both mids clear of the sofa arm?
I kind of freaked when you were talking raising your speakers by 24" as that really throws things way off-axis vertically, but seems like you don't really need that much to clear the mids.
I think you can compromise on a shorter stand.

Alternately (because you may be wanting the speakers more at the elevation of the TV screen), you can elevate them 24" but you'll need to rig a way to tilt the speakers downward so your ears are on-axis, and people in the seats closest to the TV would be well below axis.

I have a pair of speakers elevated using black (actually the color is better described as charcoal) Yoga blocks - cheap, flexible (4X6X8 gives variable heights to experiment with), and don't attract too much attention. If you wanted 6" elevation using these, I would use 3 on each side in an "I" formation (if you just have the top and bottom, there is a chance that a solid hit from a vacuum cleaner or dog might roll the Yoga blocks, but the one positioned 90 degrees in the center would prevent that).
I think I'll take that advice. Lift them up just a bit.


man get those chairs out of Your Man Cave!!
Yeah that's right I said Your Man Cave! The rest of the house is your wife's anyways. :D
Lol jacking but I wouldn't maybe put them on Isolation pads lift them up a little bit inch or two.
LOL....gottcha man. Actually. My xxxx wife moved out almost 6 years ago. Would love to have another room for sitting. But I don't. Otherwise I'd have HT seats put in and nothing else...:cool:


Audioholic Ninja
LOL....gottcha man. Actually. My xxxx wife moved out almost 6 years ago. Would love to have another room for sitting. But I don't. Otherwise I'd have HT seats put in and nothing else...:cool:
@Miken101, Umm 4 xxxx to huh? a X for each one! High Five! my Man! welcome to the 4 X wife club!
Bet you had a lot of fun huh? I did with my 4 X wife's cost my a ton of money. But I made some of it back by pimping them out after I found out they had their own side Penis business. Hell why not? I used the money I made to help Finance my audio hobby. :D Enjoy your setup bro its a nice one. If I may make A few suggestions hang a curtain over the window put some art on the wall helps with Reflections
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