Last night I played a little bit streaming from my Windows 10 64bit PC to my Yamaha CX-A5100 MusicCast using my iPad MusicCast and AV Controller Apps.
1. I did set the IP address to default setting of Automatic IP.
2. Copy some MP3 music files into the "Music Library".
3. Made sure the Streaming Options in Network is set to ALLOW for everything listed - I think the most important 2 things are the PC itself and the Yamaha CX-A5100. So under the streaming options, the Yamaha CX-A5100 is listed.
Using MusicCast.
1. I used the AV Controller App to Power Up the CX-A5100.
2. I pushed the "SERVER" button for Input device.
3. I then used the MusicCast App on my iPad and pushed the "SERVER" button.
4. Then my PC (I named my PC ANTEC4) showed up on my iPad MusicCast app as "ANTEC4".
5. I pushed "ANTEC4". Then I pushed the "MUSIC" button. Then I saw all the MP3 files.
I clicked on those MP3 files and it played on my CX-A5100.
So next I will probably test using other file formats. But I have for the first time EVER streamed from my PC to MusicCast - I have always streamed directly from my iPad or phone to MusicCast.