Your post is not clear to me. Your center speaker looks centered, but what is the arrangement of the drivers? I have the feeling that this my be a two way speaker designed to be placed vertically.
In any event centers are a problem, and we have been over this many times. Most centers are horizontal MTM which should never be done.
There is no problem placing a center above the screen. Most heads with speech are above the center line.
In my theater I have the center above the screen and it sounds as if the sound is coming from the screen. You never localize to the speaker, and in the position it is, it gives very good dispersion throughout the room.
Placing the center below the screen would be a very poor option, and give bad speech clarity in the second and third rows.
I can advise you better when I know what your speakers are, preferably with pictures, or a link to pictures of them with the grills off.