Not quite what I meant but close. I would go three in front, two in walls to the sides of the couch, and slightly behind. About where the tv is now. NOT, put any in the ceiling. IMO, those would be to serve as Atmos heights. With the front 3 in the ceiling, you won’t have any height difference between the LRC and height speaker. In short, Atmos won’t be effective. So save some money on an AVR, and a pair of speaker and put that towards a better subwoofer. Klipsch makes passable subs, but I’m comfortable speaking for the group(on this at least) when I recommend finding something else. It seems you’re “down undah “ so I’m not sure what’s available to you. SVS I believe, but more costly there than the US.
People seem to associate IC with round and IW with rectangular and Ime IW designs are usually better in performance. So I would look at the IW62. They do make subs, but aren’t known for them. IW and IC subs need not apply for many reasons, and I can’t recommend their in room subs as I don’t have experience with them.