So is the goal to clear seats but only be about 1/3 up the wall? Or is halfway to the ceiling even ok? My ceilings are 8ft 6in so that’s why I ask. I can lounge my seats back since reclining seats.
If you normally decline them, I’d keep that in mind. The problem with going too high is the surrounds will blend too much with the tops. Obviously to certain point, there will be blending, and some will be intentional. But too close together and because of how we hear, they will be hard to differentiate. Another way around that might be a tighter square overhead, but I’d be careful not to get too small so the tops don’t run together too.
My sides wouldn’t have been so high but there’s a 3 gang light switch box at exactly the height I wanted. One thing to remember, is Atmos is pretty forgiving, and these are guidelines to help get people close. Obviously can’t go willy nilly, but it’s looser than people think.
For example, this is an image that Joe Rodgers and I spent much time on hashing out MY c34e placement. In the end I was splitting hairs, but that’s how people are approaching Atmos which is fine. Just don’t get stalled out with analysis paralysis, and end up doing nothing. It IS forgiving, and imo some Atmos is better than no Atmos.