

Audioholic Field Marshall
Tonight was the last night I'm sleeping in this house. I sign the closing papers Tuesday so we have to have this place emptied and clean up pronto.

I saved my room for last since I used the computer every day and would go crazy with no tunes or Netflix.

This was a repurposed hand-me-down curio cabinet. I took the glass door off and it served the purpose. I'm trashing it though... it's flimsy low grade Chinese particle board. I've got something on order and will take pix once I'm back up and running at the rental house.

Yamaha receiver is going back to living room duty as soon as I get the amp situation resolved to replace the Outlaws.



Audioholic Field Marshall
This desk is an abomination. Got it from a thrift store because the last one was falling apart and I needed a replacement ASAP. I have always been paranoid around glass (easily explained by the scar on my right arm that runs from wrist to elbow),so a glass desk top wasn't doing me any favors. And that color!!! It won't be going for the ride either.

I will be replacing it with the Ikea Fredde desk. I've spent hours researching and can't find anything that will suit me better. I won't be installing those hideous ears though. Oh hellllllll no.

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Audioholic Field Marshall
TCD's all packed up and ready to go! I had forgotten just how heavy these beasts are. I didn't have any help last night and it was a struggle to get them prepped. I wasn't about to try getting them into the Sorento by myself. Today I'll have 3 extra guys.



Audioholic Field Marshall
If you want to guess the least fun thing we will be moving today...



Audioholic Field Marshall
Double bagged that hideous green glass so no one gets hurt in case there's a slip between here and the dump...


Audioholic Field Marshall
...and I had to break down the desk to get it out of the room. I "broke it down" all right! I may or may not have had a little fun breaking it down! :D



Audioholic Field Marshall
Poor doggies don't know what the hell is going on... so much commotion over the past 2 months. This is the only home they've ever known... it's going to be a hell of a shock when we gather them up tonight and take them to a house they've never seen before!



Audioholic Field Marshall
You know what I won't miss? Freaking oak trees. They are a scourge. I'm so over it that I'm paying somebody to do the lawn on Monday because "F" these damn leaves. I already told my best half that oak trees in the yard is a deal breaker when we go house shopping again. Ugh!!!



Audioholic Field Marshall
No, I don't live next to the woods. That's my heroin addict neighbor's back yard. The last time he mowed was 4 or 5 years ago. I got nothin.



Audioholic Warlord
You know what I won't miss? Freaking oak trees. They are a scourge. I'm so over it that I'm paying somebody to do the lawn on Monday because "F" these damn leaves. I already told my best half that oak trees in the yard is a deal breaker when we go house shopping again. Ugh!!!

View attachment 31693
I hear ya about the trees. My house is surrounded by maple and oak trees. They're a concern when we have bad windstorms and crows seem to like roosting in the trees above the driveway - so hosing $hit off the vehicles is a regular activity.

But, I love having the trees, so I put up with the problems they present. As for the autumn leaves dropping, I just mulch them with the lawn mower - free fertilizer.


Audioholic Ninja
Those are some seriously good speakers. I hope that your final landing spot is a lot bigger space for them, as they could only get better with more room to breathe and a longer listening distance.


Seriously, I have no life.
You know what I won't miss? Freaking oak trees. They are a scourge. I'm so over it that I'm paying somebody to do the lawn on Monday because "F" these damn leaves. I already told my best half that oak trees in the yard is a deal breaker when we go house shopping again. Ugh!!!

View attachment 31693
If you think Oak trees are bad, try having a big Silver Maple in the front yard, dropping twigs, branches, limbs and seeds EVERYWHERE.

I like trees a lot, but some are a royal PITA. Like the Beech across the street.
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
Lol. Try living with white pines. Oak trees are easy in comparison.

Btw, congratulations on moving on!


Audioholic Overlord
Moving always sucks, but fortunately it doesn't last long!
Looking forward to seeing the new setup once you get settled!
Take care!


Audioholic Ninja
If you think Oak trees are bad, try having a big Silver Maple in the front yard, dropping twigs, branches, limbs and seeds EVERYWHERE.

I like trees a lot, but some are a royal PITA. Like the Beech across the street.
My neighbor across the street has a 100+ year old beech tree. It was condemned over 10 years ago because of rot, having dropped a major limb that ripped power lines down including service to my house that cost $1100 to repair. He's a f'n bum and won't do anything about it.

I have such a small lot that I own zero trees yet have to deal with them from him and my equally lazy and cheap slob to my right.

Be a good neighbor and keep trees healthy and trimmed.
Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General
Tonight was the last night I'm sleeping in this house. I sign the closing papers Tuesday so we have to have this place emptied and clean up pronto.

I saved my room for last since I used the computer every day and would go crazy with no tunes or Netflix.

This was a repurposed hand-me-down curio cabinet. I took the glass door off and it served the purpose. I'm trashing it though... it's flimsy low grade Chinese particle board. I've got something on order and will take pix once I'm back up and running at the rental house.

Yamaha receiver is going back to living room duty as soon as I get the amp situation resolved to replace the Outlaws.

View attachment 31686
Speakers lol nice. What are they?

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