As much as I like to dump on Verizon/AT&T/etc. for their monopolistic ways, keep in mind the politicians own greed gets in the way too at times.
Back in the mid-90’s, when optical fiber became the shiny bright future of the telecom industry, is a good example. Verizon realizing the prohibitive cost of installing the infrastructure alone, without any guarantees that they would retain ownership ...
keep in mind Ma Bell had just been broken up ... approached the state of Pennsylvania about a joint partnership or a lowering of tariffs for a fixed period (25 years?). In hindsight it was the bargain of the century for both the state & Verizon and the consumer.
Between Verizon’s competitors and their lobbyists crying foul, with Republicans leading the charge, about this pseudo socialist/capitalist venture and the Democrats own parochial greed about losing some of the revenue, that they wouldn’t be able to embezzle or distribute among themselves, it was strangled at birth and that was that.
Like they say,
it takes two to tango. We can all scream all we want about the greedy corporations in this country but without the complicit cooperation of the politicians and their own greed, they’re just as guilty too.
It cuts both ways.
I will never understand why the government can’t work hand-in-hand or partner with business like they do in most of the world; the UK, Germany and Europe overall come to mind, Canada and yes the Chinese & Russians, to present a united front for the benefit of the nation. Will there be corruption?
Of course, when hasn’t there been corruption? That’s why both need to be constantly scrutinized and the culprits disciplined/jailed to the fullest extent of the law, without fear or favor, if caught.
Look at the successful bailout of GM by the government in 2009 as an example. Everybody was howling like it was the end of the world. It was anything but. Both entities came out whole and richer for it and a lot of jobs were saved.
We need to stop insisting on this invincible demarcation of government and business that we’ve tattooed in our minds, especially when national security and national economic interests are involved. I find it hilarious that during wartime or national emergencies it’s fine and dandy for business/government to partner up but not during peacetime. As complex as the world is nowadays and globalization is a fact on the ground, this is a must for our survival as the leader of the free world, to counter our enemies.
A house divided can not stand.
The days of the
Lone Ranger are over. Hell, even he needed