Pulled the trigger on the B-stock VTF-3 mk5 after getting the ok from the mrs. I can't wait for this think to get here.
You guys have been great. After all the great input I ended up with what so far is a great HT set-up for about $1800 which is pretty close to my original budget.
I just started scratching the surface of the options in the denon 3300 and...
Few questions for now with regard to the receiver:
1. Is the room calibration mostly for setting output levels and cross over levels or does the process also effect the processing (EQ) to individual speakers independently?
2. Once the calibration is all set, is there an easy way to know what each of the eq settings under "movie" Music" "Pure" etc. I guess in short I just don't know what to use when I'm watching different content. shows vs sports vs movies vs music ..etc. I mean I can just mess with them and settle on what I think sounds decent, but just wondering if there is a norm. I also have no idea what the eq differences are between these settings of if they are modifiable?, I guess they don't need too be modifiable, that's what audyssey is for?
I'll probably start all over with calibration once the sub gets here.