I'm only posting this because I own a pair of these and can vouch for how amazing they are! Sometimes I scratch my head and ask "why did I spend over 3 large on a pair of speakers?" But then when I'm home alone and let them rip... I fall in love like the first time.... worth every penny! They are surprisingly good in my small room for near-field listening. I cannot wait for the day I can put them in a larger room.
All I can say is, this guy is taking a bath on those. I think when he first listed them (last year maybe), he was trying to get $8k. If I had the money and the space for a second pair I'd rent a UHaul and drive to Chicago myself!
But if anyone besides TLSGuy (cause he's gangsta like that
) ever wanted to know what dual 10's in a transmission line sounds and
feels like, this is a great price!