Hi my subwoofer has 2 ports, and I feel like i should block one of the ports. I tried it for a few seconds and the quality sounded better overall. But I'm not sure whether this is a good idea or not?
Why do you feel this way? The length and diameter are found through calculation, not feelings.
It may have sounded better at that time, with you in that position, but that's not your normal listening position and what you heard isn't what you would have heard from your chair. Assuming the ports are correct, what you're thinking of doing will change the response of the sub enough that it won't do what it was designed to.
FYI- a port is a resonator, which works similar to blowing across the mouth of a bottle- it hits one note. However, that one note is supposed to reinforce the response from the driver in the box so it extends deeper into the bass frequencies. If you block one, your sub won't produce the low notes as well as it originally did, although it's possible that you don't need as much energy in that range.
Check it with this calculator- if you choose a frequency like 36Hz and enter 2 on the box for the number of ports, you'll see the length after clicking on the Calculate button. Change the number to 1 and enter different tuning frequencies, to see when you reach the same length. You'll need to measure your ports for length and diameter.
http://www.mobileinformationlabs.com/HowTo-1Woofer-Box-CAL Port lenth 1.htm