The most troubling part of these so-called surprise values is, the underlying truth of, all of these things being. . . disposable.
I try hard to buy things that are at least serviceable for life, or have a service life of 20 years with care. When I bought the LSR305's, it irked me to think I would likely not be able to find new replacement parts on down the road so, I kind of held my nose a bit when I bought them. Half of why I chose main speakers using Eminence parts thinking, at the very least, I could likely send them in for rebuild or buy a rebuild kit in the future. This also has me choosing speakers with rubber or treated fabric surrounds over foam, these days.
So yeah, there is a lot more to consider over the cheapest performance vs. the money. These so-called bargains are nothing more than tactics designed by the ad/sales/bank industries to keep the lesser classes 'gotta have it now' chumps credit cards hot too. This should be discouraged and young people taught true value for the long term.