Don’t give up yet, this may be possible. I’m thinking of what’s called an MTM design, mid-woofer – tweeter – mid-woofer. See the links below for photos.
Two reasonably priced MTM good quality do-it-yourself (DIY) kits are available in the USA:
These kits may or may not be available to you in Australia, but I’m using them as examples of what you might be able to build or get built. Both kits use the same size mid-woofer, but the N35 has a more expensive and probably better quality tweeter.
I think you can modify the standard cabinet to fit the space you have available. Let me walk you through my thoughts.
The mid-woofers in these kits, said to be 5.25" diameter (" means inches),require a hole 4.875" (12.4 cm) in diameter for mounting. Typically, an external cabinet width of 8" (20.3 cm) is used to comfortably allow enough space inside. The internal width of these cabinets is 6.5" (0.75" thick walls) and the mid-woofers require 4.875", leaving 0.8125" (2.06 cm) available on each side inside the side walls.
See the cabinet drawing for the N3S speaker
The standard cabinet for the N3S kit, with 0.75" thick walls, has these external dimensions:
8" wide × 10.625" deep × 18.75" tall
20.3 cm wide × 27 cm deep × 47.6 cm tall
Your maximum external dimensions are:
6.69" wide × 13.75" deep × 37.7" tall
17 cm wide × 34.9 cm deep × 95.8 cm tall
These cabinets are typically made with medium density fiberboard (MDF),and the drawing shows that all outer walls are 0.75" (1.9 cm) thick. If you use thinner MDF side walls, 0.5" (1.27 cm) thick, a speaker cabinet could be built to fit your narrow space.
Start with 17 cm external width
Subtract 2.54 cm for two side walls (1.27 cm × 2)
17 – 2.54 = 14.5 cm internal width
The mid-woofer requires a 12.4 cm hole
17 – 2.54 – 12.4 = 2.06 remain. That’s 1 cm on each side of the mid-woofer. That's a close fit, but possible.
To get proper bass performance from a narrower cabinet, these cabinets must be deeper and/or taller so that the internal volume is the same as the cabinet in the drawing. I’m too lazy now (see my next post below) to go through those volume calculations, but I think you have enough extra height and/or depth to allow for this.
I hope you could follow all this.